
Agostinho Domingos

I once heard a story that goes something like this...

A very busy and successful business man that lived in the city once visited a friend from childhood who preferred to live at the country-side where everyday he would enjoy his farm, and take it easy eating nice and fresh foods from his farm along with his family aside.

For the sake of the story let's name the city man John and the farm man as Adam.

John: Adam, ever since childhood, you never moved out from here. Why don't you get a job in the city?

Adam: Why would I need a job when I already have my farm?
John: So that you can make more money!

Adam: Why would I want to make more money than what I already do?
John: So that you can buy anything and have a good life.

Adam: I do buy what I need and my life is good out here, and I am able to travel anywhere should I decide to do so.
John: stays silent and thinks

Adam: Let me ask you a question John, what are you going to do when you retire from your job?
John: I will most probably move down to the country side and a live a restfull and relaxed life.

Adam: I am having a restful and relaxed life right now.

The moral of this story somewhat reflects the article above. For example, making $200K and having a very busy life suffocates the time spent for yourself and loved ones. While on the other hand, you can make $100K and have a more relaxed life without the rush of the corporate world.

When I used to work on the corporate world, I remember my boss saying, "You spend at least 50% of your time with your colleagues at work".

That made me rethink my life. At least 50%? In my case was probably more like 60% or 70% because I was pounded with excess supervisory activities on my shoulders.

That just did not make sense to me because my family was a priority.

That is only possible with your own business. It's true that to get it up and running you might need to spend more time until the rewards starts coming, but once it does, you are left with your own pace to judge and decide.

The internet made all this possible, especially with the various tools out there to help you set up a website and go with it.

I choose quality over quantity of life anytime. Cheers!

Agostinho Domingos
Founder and CEO

Reply4 years ago

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