Ryan Rutan

This one was aptly timed...I was feeling it today, and so I decided to skip lunch, grab a massage and some time in the sauna. I've found that by taking more little timeouts I avoid the big crashes and burns I was used to for the first 20 years of my entrepreneurial career. The trick for me has been to be more sensitive to the early warning signals and take some action to help correct. An afternoon off with the kids - an extra hour in the morning to finish the chapter of the sci-fi novel I've been waiting to pick back up - nothing major, just little ways to prop me up and stabilize before I crash completely.

I used to see it as a weakness, as time I SHOULD have spent working - and then I started paying more attention to the real calculus - and that by pushing myself to the limit I was less productive, less creative, less driven, less myself - just more...tired, depressed, angry, stressed.

Turns out sometimes an hour, or a day of downtime was the missing ingredient for productivity.

Reply5 years ago

Subject: Burnt. Out.
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