Gigi Rodgers

When you started off saying you had Psoriasis - my first thought was, "Really?...That's the big illness"?
But then you went into detail about it and - holy sh*t that's ROUGH!

And Wil with your illness that had you rolled up in fetus position of your office floor, crying with a stone face - because moving your mouth caused you to seize up even more?!

Hot damn guys!

Most people would throw in the towel, that would be a wrap, and it's 1000% understandable.
But the fact you both STAYED, worked through it - all while building a startup?! - is a feat in of itself.
You can't see me, but I'm giving you both the golf clap right now.

Reply5 years ago

2 Replies

Subject: Fat, Sick, and Nearly Startup
Attachment: PodcastEpisode #ck401mv82835a0a30uq8f5kbn