
Josh Wallman

Completely disagree for one reason: it gives children the false sense that they will be successful at whatever they choose to do and that simply isn't true. Being successful takes an enormous physical, mental and emotional toll on the entrepreneur and children don't have the capacity to manage that. Most have not matured emotionally to handle that level of pain.

The negative reaction the author had to being told as a child that he had to choose among a set of professions is normal and necessary because it is realistic in a capitalist culture. There is nothing wrong with giving a child a choice between choosing one of those fields as an employee and being an entrepreneur, but in doing that the advantages and disadvantages of each must also be spelled out. The same should be taught to all children even within just the future employee world. Children should be taught the benefit of attending community college or trade school as opposed to only being taught about high end four year schools because underperforming children in elementary have very little chance at the big boys. Promoting the small local college is a far better option there. For someone like that, learning a trade is the better option as an employee than suggesting they struggle for 3-5 years as an entrepreneur.


Reply2 years ago

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