
Gio Li

What an awful article! The woman
who wrote this is a narcicist with no empathy for people at all. Liable for a lawsuit for disability discrimination and against labor laws. I really hope this woman dont ever have any sick family who have suppressed immune systems nor start having illnesses of her own. She would go nuts having to care for herself and her own family. Some people have no choice but to call in sick. Some also struggle from ailments that require a rest day or even longer. I knew a farmer that worked out in the fields who was complaining of feeling bad however he continued working because his boss was like the woman above, he didn't give a rats ass. The farmer ended up passing out and died of heart issues and guess what the manager did? He told everyone to continue working. The farmer, who died, didn't want to say anything because fear of ridicule and pasy experiences with the manager. The woman who wrote this article is basically trying to insinuate fear in her employees so they feel they can't call out even when they absolutely need it. I understand people do and can abuse sick leave however we are not there to judge them and their medical problems. BTW not anyone can just get a medical note! You actually have to be seen and any credible medical professional would give their best medical judgment when filling out letters etc. She's also basically saying people who call out are not credible or just "faking it". This woman is probably one who requires you to disclose your medical diagnoses, not require by law, through intimidation and bullying. Because many people don't know their rights, they will probably give in to people like this. Btw, FMLA only covers 480 hours per year if people need continued treatment for a chronic medical issue, they could end up exhausting that in a year. If anyone works for this woman, I would start looking into labor laws that protect you as a worker. Work bullying harassment, and intimidation are also inappropriate in the workplace and against eeoc guidelines. She should know this shit.

Reply8 months ago