Jack WhelchelFeatured Reply

This likely doesn't apply to anyone reading this site or listening to this podcast (reason being, anyone seeking this kind of information is already in a good spot), but I think if we're all being honest, the exception would be that there are people who are legitimately just bad at running companies. They aren't coachable. They don't take in new information. Their gut feelings are usually wrong. They may even just be lazy and putting in 5% of the required time. And, even still, some of them end up with awesome ideas that get legs. Those people definitely should hire a CEO as soon as possible. - Jack Colton,

Reply5 years ago

1 Replies

Subject: When Should Someone Else Run My Company?
Attachment: PodcastEpisode #cjz8k7ol8yzqb0a30gluq2jqc