
Cricket McMilllin

First you must figure out why they don't take you seriously. Are you very young, do you dress unprofessionally, do you speak like an adult or use the verbiage of a teenager? As a seasoned salesperson, I can tell you that you don't sell anyone. You present your case, in the best light and if they want it, they will buy. They must need your product or service or you are talking to the wrong people. If you are tentative about what you are selling, that comes across in spades. You have to truly believe in what you are selling. I hate marketing, but unfortunately it has to be done. I have a service, that only now, people are beginning to know about. I own a paralegal service and my clients are those who need assistance in family and civil court at prices that are affordable. Word of mouth by satisfied customers is worth all the gold in the kingdom. Starting a new business is mostly slow going, but persistence is all you can do. Always smile and have a positive attitude, that is catching, and no matter what you are selling, if you make people feel good, they just might buy or recommend you. Best of luck, Cricket McMillin, Paralegal Temps, VB

Reply5 years ago