Web Analytics
Hello. I am trying to determine how to examine my web traffic without all the spam/referral bots. There's a ton of stuff on Google but I cannot seem to find a method that's straightforward and simple. Does anyone have expertise in this area? Thanks!
Web Analyst at Mango
Here you can find a solution: http://www.lunametrics.com/blog/2015/03/19/eliminating-dumb-ghost-referral-traffic/
Answered almost 10 years ago
Sr. Digital & Content Strategist
I would write it out for you, but my friends at SwellPath already have:
Answered almost 10 years ago
Founder / Product, Brand & Research Expert
Hi there, have you read this already?
It's generally done via filters at the profile level. Set up one profile without this filter, set up another with it, and then examine the differences to see if it's performing as expected.
Hope that helps!
Answered almost 10 years ago
Founding Partner, TimeshareCMO.com
A lot of these links on how to fix this are out there now but the fact is they only work up to a point. You still have to monitor and exclude them one by one, playing a game of whackamole. I'd really like to see Google Analytics implement a "referral spam" ID on these links and enough of these can eliminate them from everyone's lists. Ah well, one can dream.
Answered over 9 years ago