I have no clue what I want to do! I know more importantly than getting a job right now I need to focus on building my skills and knowledge. I've decided not to attend college mostly because I don't want to go into debt. I have had several ideas such as: Private labeling health products, creating an information product/LMS, niche website creation and even a forum for people with chronic illnesses. Unfortunately I haven't found my true passion and even worse I haven't even made a dollar. My efforts haven't been the best but I guess I never did believe in any one of my ideas. Does anybody have any advice for me going forward? What things do I need to focus on over the next year? Money is not the most important thing to me right now but instead actually meeting other entrepreneurs and like minded people is my goal. Since im not going to college I need to provide that atmosphere for myself. Im open to any advice! Thanks for the help
Build a profitable business you love.
If I were 18 again, I'd tell myself, "Don't waste time chasing women you aren't going to marry." Ha. That was probably the single biggest waste of my time, creativity, and money.
But to get more serious, I wouldn't focus too much on finding your true passion. You will probably have multiple true passions over the course of your life. Rather than wait for "the one," try a bunch of different things. You probably won't find a really good fit right away, but you will eliminate some options. For example, you may quickly discover that you do NOT want to start a dog walking business.
If meeting like-minded people is your goal, then go to conferences, seminars, and meetups. Take notes. Look for patterns. I take it you want to start a business. So before you try to create a product or service, look for a hungry crowd. Focus not on what you enjoy, but focus on what people will pay money for. We can discuss that in more detail later.
Anyway, eventually you'll need to pick something and finish something. Then do it again. Assume you won't find your "true passion" until you're in your middle forties. What will you do in the meantime? What is the very next step you can take?
By the way, college doesn't necessarily equal debt. If college interests you (aside from debt), then hack college: http://riskology.co/hack-college/.
Send me some times, and we'll get on a call and discuss in more details.
Answered over 9 years ago
Start-up Founder, Ex-Amazonian, UC Berkeley Alum
This is an interesting, complex question (which means you're already on the right track).There are many things I'd do if I were 18 again, but here are a few important ones:
1) Read more books on topics that interest you -- I used to dismiss books a little bit back in the day ("why read a full book, when an article is shorter, but can provide the same conclusion?"). However, I've realized that the best starting point for gaining knowledge in any field is to check out what the smartest minds in those fields have to say. The critical thing to do is to choose your books / authors wisely. The initial chunk of knowledge you acquire in any field will set the stage for how you think about things in the future.
2) Channel your attention into more productive paths -- when I was a kid, I remember that I could literally play video games for 10 hours straight without realizing it. I now do the same thing, but for more productive things like figuring out my startup's strategy or learning to play a musical instrument. Channel your attention on areas that can add value to yourself and others and you'll soon be on track to becoming an expert in any field.
3) Plan a little bit and set some objectives -- If you start doing (1) and (2) above, you'll be better equipped to set concrete objectives that are aligned with something that interests you or that you'd like to accomplish. They don't have to be big, but they should be worthwhile to you and, if possible, be a little bit outside your comfort zone (but not too much). For example, a simple, but worthwhile objective could be "I'll go to the gym 3 times a week for the next month". The important thing is to hold yourself accountable for reaching your objectives, otherwise it'll be easy to give up if things get tough.
4) Go out and have fun, you're 18! -- This one I did do quite a bit of when I was 18, nut I wanted to mention it because it's very important -- your social skills and relationships are just as important (if not more) for your success in business and in life. So go out partying and meet new people!
The right answer for you won't be exactly the same as the above, but I hope this gets you going in the right direction!
Answered over 9 years ago
Content Marketing Advisor & Agency Consultant
Education & Investment.
Try a lot of different activities, since you haven't nailed down your passion, yet. By the way, I have articles here about identifying your passion:
- http://www.nevermindmarketing.com/passion-hobby-take-quiz-find/
- http://www.nevermindmarketing.com/want-quit-job-follow-passion-ask-5-questions/
- http://www.nevermindmarketing.com/weave-passion-everyday-life/
- http://www.nevermindmarketing.com/informational-interviews-get-inside-scoop-passion/
Secondly, Invest. Start saving now and leverage compound interest. I wish I had saved more when I was younger, but, at the time, "Retirement" was so far off, I didn't care.
I'm still far off from retirement, but I wish I had gotten that head start. Time is a resource you cannot buy, especially in the world of compound interest.
Answered over 9 years ago
Names, Domains, Sentences and Strategies
If you're not in school, don't care too much about money, and haven't decided yet what you want to do, then ... perfect!
Start working. Look for something challenging. Go outside your comfort zone. Find a place to work where there's a strong sense of community, where you learn something difficult from people who are more experienced. As soon as you stop advancing, go work somewhere else for the same reasons.
Goals will become clearer and clearer over time as you learn what does and doesn't satisfy you.
You'll go back to school later once the plan is clear. That way you won't spend years wasting money, shuffling majors, and going down the wrong path.
Answered over 9 years ago
Expert Life Coach, Author & Businesswoman
When I was 18 years old, I only knew that my parents said I was going to college. I had NO IDEA what I wanted to do and even when I declared my major Junior year, it was a toss up between Mathematics and Psychology. I chose Mathematics because I was told this was the quickest route to making money. In hindsight, I know that Psychology most resonated.
I said all that to say, don't feel badly that you don't know what you want to do at age 18. I didn't either. You are already ahead of me though in that you are asking for advice. You are to be commended!
Though you've said you have no clue about what you want to do, you seem to be drawn to entrepreneurship. I myself am an entrepreneur. Here's where I'd encourage you to get clear. By definition, an entrepreneur is someone who starts a business and assumes all the risk for it. That's it put simply. There are more elaborate definitions out there but this is most concise.
For entrepreneurs, while money may not be the motivator, it does require money to run your business or to sell your product or service.
What I would advise is to get around entrepreneurs and talk with them about what they do. Creativity sparks creativity. So if someone says something that perks your interest or makes something inside of you leap to attention, that is your like-minded person to follow.
Learn all you can about the person and from the person. See if there are volunteer opportunities or internships where you can offer your services. For many, that has been their entryway into inspired work and the discovery of a fulfilling career.
You said something significant. You never believed in any of your ideas. Perhaps it's because they came from your head and not your heart. When what you do is inspired, it comes from your heart and your mind serves it, not the other way around.
I hope what I have said is helpful. I would love to talk with you more. Part of my work as a coach is to help you to discover your authentic path. Contact me for a free consultation.
Answered over 9 years ago
🌎Harvard Certified Global Corporate Trainer🌍
I was not afraid to start a business, borrow a bunch of money, or quit a well-paying job to travel the world. At the same time, the fact that I took chances gave me the wisdom that I have today. Now that I am in my 30's, life is surprisingly good. While I have not learned it all, I feel my head is screwed on straight enough that life is much less stressful.
What I would Tell Myself at 18? Well I would tell the following things:
1. Do not be so Serious
I know it can seem like the most important thing in the world is fighting the good fight, but don't let your life pass you by in the process. It is impressive that you do those things at such a young age, but life is really about experiences. Sometimes when you are all wrapped up in your own head, doing the things that you are determined to do, you miss a chance to connect with other people.
2. Do not Be in Such a Hurry to Grow Up
22 is just getting started! In fact, life gets more enjoyable as you age. As you learn more about yourself and the world, it gets easier to enjoy what the world has to offer. Your 20's are the perfect time to explore the world and experience new things. Travel, art, culture, sport, and adventure take on a whole new meaning when you have had some experience to build on.
3. Choose Experience over Material Possessions
I ended up working so hard to pay for the stuff that I didn't have time to meet girls. Working hard is for grown-ups. What they really want is a man with a little confidence and life experience under his belt. Working too hard will just delay that process.
4. Be Confident
Don't let self-doubt ruin your chance to meet a new girl or to try something new. While you are accumulating the wisdom that comes with life experiences, your best shot is to project confidence. The biggest turn-off for a girl is self-doubt. You're going to get turned down A LOT before you finally get the girl.
5. Do not Get Attached
When you finally do get a girlfriend, take it easy. Along the same line as not trying to grow up too quickly, do not fall into the trap of thinking that this is the best girl you will ever get. The second biggest turnoff for a girl is an 18-year-old guy who is already thinking about marriage. Relax a little and enjoy the moment. I know it seems like you must be a grown up and have nice things, but you have got to think long-term. If you can just have the patience to hold off a few years on the nice stuff, you will be able to afford more of it than you can imagine. When people build up debt and monthly payments, they become slaves to their job.
6. Put Money Away Every Month
In five or ten years, you will use this money to invest in something that makes passive income, like real estate.
7. Travel and Learn a Language
One of the wisest decisions I ever made is to live in another culture long enough to learn the language. If you took my advice about taking your time to grow up, you will not yet be attached to a mortgage payment, a job, or a girl. That is too easy. Force yourself to learn the language. It will be frustrating at first, but the life-long benefit will be greater than you can imagine.
8. Get to Know People
As you travel and try new things, make it a point to meet people. As I said before, the most valuable things in life are shared experiences with other people. Your success in life will depend on your network of people. It is impossible to achieve success in a vacuum.
9. There's No Rush to Have it All Figured Out
When I was your age, I felt pressure to have my life's purpose figured out. Most people don't figure things out until much later in life. You don't want to rush such a grand decision as your life's purpose.
10. Savour the Moment
Your youth is special, and you will want to remember it for the rest of your life.
11. Start Businesses Without Borrowing Money
When you decide to start a business, do not go into debt over it. Most businesses fail, and it's better to be left with nothing than to not have anything and still owe someone else money. Pick a business that does not cost much to start and grow slowly, reinvesting your earnings. Choose a business that's as passive as possible.
12. Pick Something and Stick with It
Once you have had your fun traveling the world and being young, find a line of work that you are passionate about. Do not worry about the money, that will come with time. If you are out of debt and putting money into savings each month, you are going to be simply fine.
Besides if you do have any questions give me a call: https://clarity.fm/joy-brotonath
Answered over 4 years ago