
Joy Broto

🌎Harvard Certified Global Corporate Trainer🌍


With a PGDM in HR and IT from the Institute of Science and Management and a specialization in strategy from Harvard Business School, the link is as follows:

I am a qualified and experienced global corporate trainer at Headstrt. My role is to design and deliver engaging and informative training programs that help employees across various locations and cultures improve their skills, knowledge, and performance.

I leverage my expertise in HR and IT domains to create relevant and up-to-date training content that aligns with the company's objectives and values. I also assess the effectiveness of training and make necessary changes to ensure the employees are getting the knowledge and skills they need. I am passionate about helping employees grow and succeed in their roles and contributing to the overall success of the organization. I have a total experience of 5 years as a HR professional and 2 years in training and development.


Recent Answers

Relationship Coach


Joy Broto

🌎Harvard Certified Global Corporate Trainer🌍

Here are some suggestions for what to do if you're losing sexual affection for your spouse: Communicate openly and honestly with your spouse about how you're both feeling. Have a caring conversation to understand each other's perspectives. Seek marriage counseling. A counselor can help uncover any underlying issues and guide you both in improving intimacy, communication, and connection. Schedule regular date nights to spend quality one-on-one time together without distractions. Rekindle emotional intimacy. Try new activities together, like taking a class, joining a club, or taking a trip. Shared experiences can bring you closer. Spice things up in the bedroom by being spontaneous, experimenting with new locations and positions, or exploring each other's desires through sensual massages. Ensure you're both fulfilling each other's emotional needs for affection, validation, and support outside the bedroom too. Check your physical and mental health. Stress, depression, body image issues, etc. can impact libido. Make self-care a priority. Compromise and meet each other half-way when it comes to intimacy frequency and types of activities. Don't point fingers. Consider seeing a sex therapist individually or as a couple if needed to address any dysfunctions. Communication is key. With understanding and effort, you can rekindle your sexual bond over time. But don't force anything; go at your own pace.

Online Advertising

About to initiate a Google Ads campaign for an eTutoring Company where I have done everything myself.

Joy Broto

🌎Harvard Certified Global Corporate Trainer🌍

Hiring an expert to review your first Google Ads campaign is generally a good idea. Even the most experienced advertisers sometimes miss important things when setting up a new campaign. Here are a few reasons why a brief review could be worthwhile: Targeting: They can check your targeting criteria (keywords, locations, devices, etc.) to ensure you're reaching the right audience and not leaving money on the table. Ad Copy: Your ad text, headlines, and descriptions should be optimized. An expert eye can catch ways to improve calls-to-action or messaging. Budgets: Help set optimal daily and weekly budgets and bid adjustments to maximize results without overspending upfront. Metrics: Verify your conversion tracking and goals are set up correctly to measure success properly. Negative keywords are often key to avoiding wasted spending. They'll know what to filter out. Landing pages: Confirm pages are optimized for ads and move users down the funnel smoothly. Account structure: advise on best practices like separate campaigns or ad groups for different goals. Launch plan: recommend a smart launch schedule to reduce the risk of mistakes. It's a small investment that could save you wasted time and frustration later on. Ask them to review everything and provide a report on any recommended changes. It is better to fix issues now than spend months optimizing a flawed setup. For most campaigns, an expert review pays for itself.


crowdfunding consults funding on commission people help me build ideas broker and futuristic think tank firm i need help finding people and funding

Joy Broto

🌎Harvard Certified Global Corporate Trainer🌍

Here are some suggestions for finding people and funding for your crowdfunding consultancy and futuristic think tank firm: Reach out to local incubators, accelerators, and entrepreneurship organizations. They may have mentors, advisors, or investors in their networks who could help. Post about your idea on relevant subreddits, forums, and communities to generate interest and feedback from potential partners/contributors. Contact local colleges, universities, and research institutions. See if any professors or students would be interested in collaborating on projects. Apply to startup competitions and accelerator programs. These often come with funding, mentorship, and exposure. Create a pitch deck clearly outlining your vision and how you create value. Approach angel investors, VC funds, and impact investors who may be a good fit. Run a crowdfunding campaign yourself to prove demand and gain early supporters and advisors. Use the funds raised for initial development. Partner with related businesses as referral partners. For example, work with design and development firms to spin off project ideas. Leverage your network on LinkedIn and through past work or school connections. Cold outreach to those who may appreciate your vision. Consider offering equity in exchange for initial services from developers, marketers, etc. to get startup costs covered. Approach philanthropic organizations and impact investors focused on futuristic issues like sustainability, AI safety, etc. Build social proof through blogs, podcasts, and online courses to attract paying clients and collaborators organically over time.

Relationship Marketing

What would be the best way to get clients as a relationship coach?

Joy Broto

🌎Harvard Certified Global Corporate Trainer🌍

Here are some ideas for ways to get clients as a relationship coach: Build an online presence; create a professional website, optimize it for search, and start blogging about relationship topics. Build social media profiles to share your expertise. Local networking: Join networking groups in your area, like chambers of commerce, women's organizations, etc., and introduce yourself and your services. Advertising: Run targeted ads on platforms like Facebook and Instagram, search engines, or local publications and websites. Test different creative ads. Referrals: Provide great service so your happy clients refer new ones. Offer referral bonuses or discounts. Workshops or events: Host free relationship workshops to generate interest in your services. Partner with local organizations. Cold outreach: Craft a compelling outreach email or script and reach out to potential clients like therapists, life coaches, etc. Content marketing: guest posts on relevant blogs and sites. Record a podcast. Provide value first to attract an audience. Partnerships: See if local gyms, spas, or boutiques will let you leave flyers or give talks in exchange for a small commission. Cold calling: If done respectfully, cold calling targeted prospects like divorce lawyers can work. But make it about value, not sales. Paid ads: Consider using paid ads on platforms like Facebook and Google to boost organic efforts. Test different targets.

Relationship Coach

I am a cool & calm guy ,also a hot guy ....but no girls approached me. I don't know if they are scared of getting rejected

Joy Broto

🌎Harvard Certified Global Corporate Trainer🌍

It's difficult to say for sure without knowing more details, but here are a few possibilities: Shyness can be perceived as a lack of confidence or interest. Girls may not approach you because they think you don't want to be approached or won't be receptive. You may not be giving off clear signals that you're open and interested in being approached. Things like making eye contact, smiling, and using body language can communicate openness. Your social circle and environment may not provide many opportunities for new connections. Are you regularly putting yourself in situations where meeting new people is easy and natural? Physical attractiveness is just one factor; personality and how you interact with others matter more. Are you coming across as friendly, fun, and interesting to talk to in your daily interactions? Rejection fears go both ways. Girls may worry that approaching a guy, even if he seems nice, could end in rejection, which is uncomfortable. The best things you can do are to be more visibly engaged with your environment, smile and make eye contact with people, and look approachable and interested in interaction. Join social activities, clubs, or groups where meeting new people happens organically. Be confident in who you are, and focus on connecting with others for who they are rather than what you hope to get from them.


How best to spend $1k month marketing budget for small LA based legal firm?

Joy Broto

🌎Harvard Certified Global Corporate Trainer🌍

Here are some suggestions for how to best spend a $1,000/month marketing budget for a small LA-based legal firm: Google Ads: Set up search and display campaigns targeted at relevant legal services keywords and sites in your local area. $500-700/month. Content marketing: outsource blog post creation to 2-3 relevant legal topics per month. Share via social media or email. $200-300/month. LinkedIn ads: Promote relevant posts and pages to your ideal client personas. $100-200/month. Local directories: claim or optimize listings on platforms like Yelp, YellowPages, etc. $50-100/month. Video marketing: Create 2-3 short video testimonials or explanations per month. Post to the website or social. $100-200/month. PR outreach: pitch local media 1-2 times per month about trending legal topics. $100-200/month for an agency. Social ads: run occasional boosted posts on Facebook and Instagram about new blog content. $50-100/month. Email marketing: nurture leads with a monthly newsletter roundup. $0–50/month for an email platform. I'd recommend starting with Google Ads, content marketing outsourced, and a local PR/media outreach agency at $1,000/month total to start generating new leads consistently. Track ROI and adjust budget and tactics accordingly each month based on what performs best.

Marketing Agency

If you are starting a talent agency with musicians, is it better to boost the agency website page or the artist page?

Joy Broto

🌎Harvard Certified Global Corporate Trainer🌍

Here are a few factors to consider when deciding whether to boost the agency website page or individual artist pages: Agency website page: Boosting the overall agency page would help establish your agency's brand and credibility. It shows you have a stable business representing multiple artists. However, it may not directly lead to bookings for specific artists. Artist pages: Boosting individual artist pages allows you to target fans directly interested in that artist's style, look, music samples, etc. This makes it more likely a boosted post would convert into real bookings, streams, or sales for that artist. However, boosting many artist pages could be more expensive than one agency page boost. Goals: If your main goal is brand awareness and credibility for the new agency, boost the agency page. If your goal is to generate specific opportunities for your artists, boost the top individual artist pages first to see what performs best. Budget: Consider your marketing budget; boosting the agency page may have a higher return on investment at first if funds are limited, versus boosting many artist pages.

B2B Marketing

What are strategies to get ahold of the decision makers behind corporate speakers and training programs at large companies?

Joy Broto

🌎Harvard Certified Global Corporate Trainer🌍

Here are some strategies to reach decision-makers for corporate training programs at large companies: Research the Learning & Development/Talent department. Find the names of directors and managers who oversee training budgets. Look up past events and speakers. See who previously led trainings and reach out directly. Connect on LinkedIn. Look for alumni of your training topic (e.g., sales leadership) and invite them to coffee to learn about their needs. Contact recruiters and HR business partners. Explain your value and ask for referrals to training decision makers. Reach out to conference or event organizers. Offer to speak at their events to get face-time with attendees. Partner with corporate training platforms and providers. They have existing client relationships to introduce you to. Cold emails targeted companies. Personalize the message for each company or person and focus on value, not just features. Send personalized mailers. Include client testimonials, agenda samples, and speaker bios; make it easy for them to visualize the training. Follow up consistently via phone. Be pleasant yet persistent until you reach the right contact. Leverage your network. Ask trusted contacts if they know anyone at targeted companies who could introduce you. Patience and relationship building are key. The goal is to learn about their needs and challenges so you can clearly articulate how your training solutions specifically help them.

Cold Calling

What advice would you give for cold calling via email?

Joy Broto

🌎Harvard Certified Global Corporate Trainer🌍

Here is some advice for cold calling via email: The subject line is crucial. Make it informative yet intriguing enough to get attention. Avoid vague or misleading subject lines. Personalize the email; address the recipient by name if possible. Use their company's name. Show you did research on them. Clearly state your purpose; be upfront about who you are and why you're contacting them in the first paragraph. Don't ramble. Offer value; explain how your product or service can specifically benefit them or their business. Don't just list features. Call to action: Ask them to schedule a call or meeting to discuss further. Provide your contact details clearly. Proofread carefully; no spelling or grammatical errors. Have someone else review it as well. Timing: Research the best days and times to email for your industry. Avoid weekends if possible. Format professionally. Use a clear layout and formatting. No blocky text walls. Attach relevant assets; include case studies, brochures, and reports if helpful to support your pitch. Follow up persistently. If there is no response, follow up once or twice more politely. Then stop pursuing. Track metrics; note open and response rates. Adjust the subject lines and content accordingly. Personalize follow-ups; refer back to previous emails in a respectful way. The goal is to stand out from the noise with a targeted, value-driven message that compels them to respond. Keep testing and improving your email scripts.

Telephone Skills

Which products or services can be sold easily through cold-calling to businesses?

Joy Broto

🌎Harvard Certified Global Corporate Trainer🌍

Here are some products and services that can potentially be sold to businesses via cold calling: Office supplies: Things like pens, paper, printer ink, etc. that businesses always need. Staples, Office Depot, etc. have been successful with this model. Print/copy services: Offering printing, copying, mailing, document management, etc. as an outsourced service. Software/web services: Things like CRM, accounting, payroll, and website design and maintenance that businesses rely on. However, you'll need good product knowledge. Marketing services: Services like search engine optimization, pay-per-click ads, social media marketing, and email marketing campaigns. IT services: Offering managed IT support, cybersecurity solutions, hardware and software installation, and maintenance. Requires some technical expertise. Shipping and Logistics: Offering delivery, freight, and warehouse storage solutions for businesses shipping goods. Facility/office supplies: janitorial, coffee/vending, breakroom supplies, furniture, etc. Recurring need. Tips: Target specific industries or niches where your offering provides clear value. Have a tight sales script that qualifies and builds trust quickly. Offer a free trial, assessment, or consultation to get your foot in the door. Follow up diligently with prospective clients until they say no. Track your stats to optimize your approach over time. Starting with a digital offering and building relationships over the phone before proposing an in-person meeting can help close more sales by cold calling. Let me know if you need any other advice!

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