
David Scarpitta

Digital Entrepreneur & Mentor


Chief Creative Officer at Get Found Marketing and Development at
15 Years in the Digital Marketing and Branding Space.
Author at my Marketing blog at where I talk about Ecommerce, Marketing & Branding, and even personal Entrepreneurial development.

Recent Answers


If a call is scheduled and the client does not show up for the call, are they charged?

David Scarpitta

Digital Entrepreneur & Mentor

Good luck on trying to collect on that one.

Marketing Strategy

How can I effectively market my online business to baby boomers / senior citizens?

David Scarpitta

Digital Entrepreneur & Mentor

I would say use more antiquated methods like rotary and chamber of commerce meetings.


How can I convince a client to sign up a 12 month SEO contract?

David Scarpitta

Digital Entrepreneur & Mentor

My answer to you is that they really don’t have a true understanding of what it takes. I would craft a better understanding/presentation and if they aren’t on board I would find a potential different client. Mainly because a lot of your hard work won’t be attributed for the short term.


What SEO related tasks should be done when moving an existing domain from Drupal to WP, and hosting partner & all existing content should be replaced

David Scarpitta

Digital Entrepreneur & Mentor

Well, to be honest using Wordpress for e-commerce is a big no-no. It’s bloated, easily hackable and not a truly scalable e-commerce solution for serious selling.

Business Strategy

As an accounting graduate with no money and no connections, how do I start my own consulting firm? And how do I get clIents?

David Scarpitta

Digital Entrepreneur & Mentor

For someone starting out like yourself you are going to have to drill down at the local market. I suggest finding some great business owners and contact info thru It will help you hyper target a few types of businesses that can use your services and then warm they up digitally and then even pound the pavement once you have your proverbial “foot in the door”!

Market Research

How can I do a market research?

David Scarpitta

Digital Entrepreneur & Mentor

Depending on your industry, you could find local competition using It’s a tool that lets you put in search terms on different types of businesses and then generate full details about them. Great for market research and outreach.

Marketing Strategy

Is it possible to hire a marketing agency with equity?

David Scarpitta

Digital Entrepreneur & Mentor

Great question. I'm the founder of and we've done this with select companies/startups. As it turns out, many of the answers here are on point. And much of the time, a successful marketing group will need some "core stipend", to make it fair for both parties. With that being said, I think you would need to have an indepth conversation with the marketing company you'd like to propose to get a better idea of your product/service that you are offering to the masses. Much of the time, we make decisions based on the business climate of the potential product or service. We analyze the value as well, because as superstar marketers, we realize that you still have to have a truly great product or service in order for us to make your message ring loud and clear and make it profitable for both parties. If you want to discuss, we are an open ear.

Social Media Marketing

How does my startup hire an affordable marketing expert?

David Scarpitta

Digital Entrepreneur & Mentor

Simple answer here. If you want someone that is going to grow your non profit, then you are going to have to give them a piece of the pie. Evaluate your end goal, and see if you can give up equity for the right person.

Marketing Strategy

I just opened a small, upscale, boutique style hair salon. Any ideas on how to market?

David Scarpitta

Digital Entrepreneur & Mentor

Social, Social, Social. Bootstrapping is the way to go. Here's 3 key Strategies: - Make sure you have a presentable website for the times - You have established social profiles - You have a small budget to start marketing within these social circles Then from there, it's taking all 3 and combining them into a marketing strategy that will be hypertargted to your local audience.


How can I go about finding a business partner for my startup?

David Scarpitta

Digital Entrepreneur & Mentor

First congratulations on motivating on something. Second, you need to really know what you want out of your partner first before you look for one. For instance : - looking for a monetary injection - a skill set with sweat equity - both - do you have a plan of what your "partner" will redeem from your business? Once you establish this, then you can search for a partner with the appropriate tools. Everything else is a shot in the dark.

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Areas of Expertise

Digital MarketingSocial Media MarketingeCommerceEmail MarketingInbound MarketingOnline MarketingSEODigital Marketing StrategySearch Engine Optimization (SEO)PPC