
Ariovaldo Silva

Brazilian Management Consultant


You will know how to to Manage Revenues, Costs and Expenses reducing costs and adding value to your Business.
Best Practices practices in your Business and Life. University Professor International experience as Regional Controller, CFO, Finance Director and Board Member. Change Management. Business Turnaround. P&L Management. Plant and Business Controller.
Expert in Profit Plan, Forecast, EVA and Productivity, Business Plan, Costs Management
I also will tell you how to invest in Brazil and make good money.

Recent Answers

Mergers & Acquisitions

Should you build a startup expecting to be acquired by a specific company?

Ariovaldo Silva

Brazilian Management Consultant

You should manage your Business in order to become it very attractive for acquiring companies and also to add the maximum value in your company business value. Acquiring companies will make a deep analysis about your company capacity to generate cash,about quality of finance statements and potential offensive and defensive sinergies. Offensive sinergies come from your products and market, defensive come from structure to be saved for acquiring companies. Anyway, independently of selling or not your business to manage it in order to obtain maximum value in a future transaction is an intelligent strategy I can give you several other tips that I have lived for more than 40 years working at international groups and now applying knowledge to business like yours. Regards and Success ( Ariovaldo )

Business Strategy

How can I get more investments in my small business?

Ariovaldo Silva

Brazilian Management Consultant

To get more investments in small business your company should have high capacity to generate high return to investors and to add value for business. So, many variables can be important for that. The main variables will depend of the kind of Business and Market you want to explore. Some of them can be: Good Business Plan. Innovative products or services with good reception in market, Small but Smart fixed costs structure, High Margin Products and a Winner team very focused in deliver best practices, productivity, continuous improvement and perfect execution of processes involved.


As a trader, how do you reach extreme focus to get the best ROI on your time?

Ariovaldo Silva

Brazilian Management Consultant

Best ROI can be obtained with best class management on Working Capital and Focus on each P&L line. Over this 2 major itens detailed action plans are nedded in order to obtain continuous improvement and high productivity level. Tolls like Balanced Score Card can contribute for Goals achievement. For more details it be a pleasure to offer detailled answer through a phone call.

Early-stage Startups

What strategies are there to form a company at an early stage that is flexible (equity, control/titles, and business model)?

Ariovaldo Silva

Brazilian Management Consultant

I recommend you tio develop a Balanced Score Card simplified version. It is one of the best tools for Strategy development and Focus on Excelent execution. It can be combined with other tool line SWOT analysis and Projects Perfect Execution. For more details please contact.

Sales Process

How can I create a sales plan and sales funnel to make revenue for my new business?

Ariovaldo Silva

Brazilian Management Consultant

I have make sales plan for FMCG for more than 20 years. I have a special methodology called OGSAM. O - Organization - Structure available and nedded G - Goal - Strategic Goal aligned with Business Plan S- Strategies - How the Goals will achieved A- Actions - Detailling Strategies into Actions M- Matrix - All numbers involved included simulations of defferent scenarios. Addtionally Consider> SWOT Analysis Market Share, and Product Matrix I am also specialist in Balanced Score Card. More details it will be a pleasure to answer in a call.

Business Development

How can I bring more business to my data entry company?

Ariovaldo Silva

Brazilian Management Consultant

As I have had regional responsibility covering several countries is normal for me to think about bringing customers from several different countries. Follow some points that can be considered. Questions per example as: - Main KPI´s and Strategic Goals. - What are the Go to Market Strategies? - Does your Business Plan define Goas, Strategies and Actions to achieve public abroad? We also have to consider that today some web tools are worlwide tools. So, we can go to different alternatives depending on your products. To have quality in your products and to promote actions through Internet and other ways can also leverage the penetration of your business in another countries. The better diagnostics only will be possible with a deep evaluation of your products and businesses If you have a good quality Business Plan it will be key for the development of Strategies and Actions in order to bring more results for your company. It will be a pleasure to answer your questions having more details. I think I can contribute considerably. For that I am totally available.

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