
Razvan Girmacea

CEO & SEO Monitor Backlinks, CEO Competitors App


SEO consultant for more than 7 years and after that founder of SEO tool Monitor Backlinks.

SaaS builder at Competitors App (

E-commerce Start-up consultant (4 years of experience).
CEO & SEO of Monitor Backlinks

Friendly SEO Tool that helps you manage your incoming links

Search Engine Optimization expert
Accelerator in Lisbon
50.000 euro investment from Ireland (SOSVentures)

Recent Answers


What are some of the most ingenious ways to increase traffic to a website?

Razvan Girmacea

CEO & SEO Monitor Backlinks, CEO Competitors App

To get constant traffic you need to get higher rankings for competitive keywords. I just watch 6 of my competitors for what links they are building and reach out where I can to ask for reviews. I have actually built my startup to do exactly that. Monitor Backlinks (

Digital Strategy

What are your digital strategy tools of choice?

Razvan Girmacea

CEO & SEO Monitor Backlinks, CEO Competitors App

I don't use a lot of tools for my startup, just this ones: - really great to schedule automated messages and it can be synced with your database and have custom fields. Very easy to setup -Google Apps (analytics,gmail, webmaster tools) -Monitor Backlinks (my own startup) to build links to my website Disclaimer: I am the CEO & Founder of Monitor Backlinks

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

How have you changed your SEO practices due to the Panda and Penguin Google algorithm updates?

Razvan Girmacea

CEO & SEO Monitor Backlinks, CEO Competitors App

Those updates are great because it made white hat SEO guys focus on what we know it always worked in the long term and elimiated the competition that tried to get in front with fast black hat tactiques.

Link Building

What is the most common way for a reputable startup to get more links, other than generating link worthy content. Do people still buy links?

Razvan Girmacea

CEO & SEO Monitor Backlinks, CEO Competitors App

What worked great for me is to watch what competitors are building and to reach out where I could to get a review myself. So focus on building a great product and ask people to review it.

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EntrepreneurshipStart-upsWeb developmentSEOWordPressAcceleratorsEntrepreneurE-commercePHPInvestments