
Honey Jhunjhunwala

Business strategy advisor (MBA,BTech)


Entrepreneur, founder of online education startup, Mentor for startups in the areas of business strategy and operational excellence.

Recent Answers


I finally found my billion-dollar startup idea. Now what?

Honey Jhunjhunwala

Business strategy advisor (MBA,BTech)

Now execute

Human Resources

If an employee receives another job offer and can't make up their mind, what's the best way to force them to make a decision and stick to it?

Honey Jhunjhunwala

Business strategy advisor (MBA,BTech)

Show him/her the growth path possibilities in your organisation as in fortune 500 companies climbing up the ladder is difficult


How do I expand my network with people who are MORE influential than I am? I'm looking for tips and tricks to do this online (with LinkedIn, etc)

Honey Jhunjhunwala

Business strategy advisor (MBA,BTech)

Add them randomly on linkedin, start liking their post and build relationship


What are some top networking tips?

Honey Jhunjhunwala

Business strategy advisor (MBA,BTech)

Play golf, join different sports like horse riding etc


When starting a company, how do I determine the level of competition I'll have?

Honey Jhunjhunwala

Business strategy advisor (MBA,BTech)

When starting a company do not waste time j determining the level of competition, during starting focus more on giving quality product or service at best price with high degree of customer service


How can you acquire a unique knowledge that sets you apart from your competition and provides high value while gaining attention?

Honey Jhunjhunwala

Business strategy advisor (MBA,BTech)

Acquire knowledge in your respective field of interest from coursera or edx or ventura. These are some renowned online learning sources which will set you apart from your competition

Lean startup

What are some quality examples of companies using lean product cycle?

Honey Jhunjhunwala

Business strategy advisor (MBA,BTech)

Toyota and motorolla


What do (bootstrapped) startups offer to new sales hires? Commission only? What are some good examples to keep people motivated and still survive?

Honey Jhunjhunwala

Business strategy advisor (MBA,BTech)

Hire part time sales people from low cost countries like India


How do I attract talent to a startup?

Honey Jhunjhunwala

Business strategy advisor (MBA,BTech)

By giving them equity stake


How can I get a list of BPO companies operating from Jakarta, Indonesia?

Honey Jhunjhunwala

Business strategy advisor (MBA,BTech)

Hire a consulting firm from indonesia

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Areas of Expertise

Business StrategyManagement ConsultingStart-up OperationsInternet Business Strategy