
Josh Michael

Email & CRM - Retail, eComm, Healthcare, Startups


I'm a tech-minded marketer with a history of building systems that support growth. Among other things, I've managed 1.75 billion emails annually for a retailer & built multiple CRM solutions for healthcare startups.

Aside from my beard grooming skills, I'm really good at deliverability, marketing for startups, and building customer journeys.

Recent Answers

Email Management

How do I manage and automate auto responders and customer communication with Capsule, Mailchimp and Freshbooks?

Josh Michael

Email & CRM - Retail, eComm, Healthcare, Startups

You need to think about these auto-responders in terms of events. If you can put data up on MailChimp when an event takes place, you can manage auto-responders off of that data. Here is some additional information from their website.

Online Marketing

How do I build my email list?

Josh Michael

Email & CRM - Retail, eComm, Healthcare, Startups

Great options listed above. Another thing you could do is offer a percentage of the sales of your products to popular bloggers in your space so they can push your content. When they purchase your content, collect their email address. As far as not having a platform, that is no problem, however, you need to find a way to add value or positively impact peoples' lives if you expect them to give you their email address.


Are there examples of corporate departments that have been turned into profit centers? Such as in-house advertising, market research or R&D functions?

Josh Michael

Email & CRM - Retail, eComm, Healthcare, Startups

I don't think it is what you are looking for, but was created by mistake from a services agency. They were sending emails for their clients and the next thing you know, they were making most of their money from send costs and the rest is history. Sorry I can't be more help.

Marketing Strategy

What do you think is the best format for proposal for marketing services?

Josh Michael

Email & CRM - Retail, eComm, Healthcare, Startups

I have had a lot of success sending the proposal after I have clearly demonstrated that I can have a profound impact on their business. If you send them a quote or proposal without building trust by demonstrating your expertise, they will get sticker shock. I would recommend you read the free ebook from the founder of FreshBooks called ""Breaking the Time Barrier."


Who are some of the best teachers of entrepreneurship?

Josh Michael

Email & CRM - Retail, eComm, Healthcare, Startups

I am not sure if it is the type of entrepreneurship you are looking for, but check out

Sports Nutrition

What is best vitamin on market?

Josh Michael

Email & CRM - Retail, eComm, Healthcare, Startups

That depends on your goals, but although this isn't a vitamin, the best universal advice to give people is to drink plenty of water. :)

Marketing Strategy

Hi. My name is Areriel I am 18,iam hungry to reach my dream of being a marketing excutive only problem is I do not know where to start with networking

Josh Michael

Email & CRM - Retail, eComm, Healthcare, Startups

Help people. That is the best answer you will get. This looks like asking people what you can do for their business. Seriously call an executive and say, I want to help you make money, give me a shot. Then work your face off and don't read all the blogs you follow while at work.


What environmental and personal characteristics allowed Larry Page/Sergey Brin to be so successful?

Josh Michael

Email & CRM - Retail, eComm, Healthcare, Startups

They met a need for lots of people. Their values lead to long term success, but their short term growth was due to meeting a need in the marketplace and doing really well.

Email Management

What would cause messages from my new email address to go to some recipients junk folder? It's a new domain name. Anything I can do on my end?

Josh Michael

Email & CRM - Retail, eComm, Healthcare, Startups

There are a lot of factors at play when getting caught in the junk folder. Long term, send quality content to trusted emails. In the short term, make sure the URLs you are sending people to match the domain you are sending from? Also, what subject line were you using? Also, what vendor are you sending from?

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Areas of Expertise

Email MarketingMarketing StrategyHTMLEmail DesignEmail Marketing SoftwareEmail StrategyHTML emailsExactTargetEmail ManagementEmail List Building