
Brooke Ferguson

Business Owner's Stress Relief Plan


Online Business Consultant MBA for 12 + Years
Helping Business Owners Take Back Their Time, Get Out of Debt, and Have the Business and Life that they Deserve. Weekly coaching sessions focus on:
+ Time Management
+ Business Accounting, Budgeting, Financial Management
+ Overcoming Bad Habits
+ Strategic Planning & Development
+ How To Find & Define Your Niche
+ Increasing Online Web / Blog / Social Media and How & Where to Market
+ Implementing New Technology for Automation and Efficiency
+ Selling to The Right Customer
+ Putting Your Business Online to Work From Anywhere

Recent Answers


Is Shopify the best option for putting a store on my Wordpress site?

Brooke Ferguson

Business Owner's Stress Relief Plan

I agree about using WooCommerce - but you also might consider going on a bigger platform if you have a lot of inventory. WooCommerce has a plugin that allows you to sell items that are on Amazon through your website. If you are selling your own inventory you can ship to Amazon FBA and also advertise your niche product on your store. If you do not want to sell your own inventory you can also sign up to be an affiliate on Amazon - then link your WooCommerce store to the affiliate links, earning additional money on products that you are not responsible for shipping. There are a variety of strategies depending on your market. Let me know if you need more details, happy to help!


How can I better leverage my time and master my busy schedule?

Brooke Ferguson

Business Owner's Stress Relief Plan

The key is to identify your areas of strength, as well as your areas of weakness. Once you have determined these, you can build an action plan for your time. Your time should ideally be spent on areas of your strengths, money makers, and activities that boost your health. Make a plan to outsource the rest. Build time blocks into your schedule and group similar tasks together. For example, I have "client days" where I see my clients, and "admin days" where I have specific tasks that I can do from home. I get similar tasks done together and can stay in my productive mode longer. What tasks can you begin to outsource right away?

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Areas of Expertise

Business DevelopmentOnline Marketing StrategyMarketing StrategySmall BusinessConsultingBusiness CoachingTime ManagementSmall Business ConsultingFinancial PlanningBudget Management