
Martin Tonev

Web Developer


My name is Martin and I have been involved with web development for more than 10+ years, at least 7 of which I have been doing this full time.

My experience focuses on web projects with a strong focus on PHP going along with the evolving frameworks. I also have a great level of understanding of Wordpress and have released a couple of proprietary themes. Apart from that I also have several e-commerce projects under my belt and many custom complex server-side implementations supporting mobile applications which are collaborations done with other developers for various clients. In addition, I have worked extensively with Laravel and managed to deliver significant commercial value to businesses I worked for by building a highly customized analytics platform incorporating a smart data tool.

I am a solid problem solver and have a great commitment to promised deadlines. I would gladly collaborate with multiple developers and other functional parties like designers etc. My availability is quite flexible in terms of time zones and also depends on the current workload. Despite my overall preference for backend development but I am very confident in my front-end skills and would gladly handle tasks that imply such competence.

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Recent Answers


What’s a realllyyyy passive way to make passive income?

Martin Tonev

Web Developer

Ebooks selling is also one passive income and there plenty of places to sell them like Amazon.

Sales Process

How do I generate leads for an outsourcing service?

Martin Tonev

Web Developer

You can use also systems like UpLead which give you access to 46M leads in contacts when you signup to their trial period. They also provide you with all the tools to offer your service via their systems. Check it out:

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Areas of Expertise

Start-upsStartup ConsultingWeb developmentProduct DevelopmentLaravelblockchain