Clarity Expert
Founder of the Secret of Real Estate Management. I work with successful Landlord to turn their lands and properties into High Profit Generating Assets.
Business Development
Clarity Expert
if this is not related with Real Estate the Answer is NO
Pricing Strategy
Clarity Expert
How do I raise my prices without losing my customers? If you are provide tremendous value to your customers; If you are helping your customers to get the results they are aiming for; If you help your customers to generate more make money or/and reduce their cost You should definitely raise your price by 2X, 3X or 4X for the services that you are the EXPERT, the reference! Please understand that by raising your price you will lose some customers...But ask yourself are these really your customers or you are their little b*tch? If your customers can't value your services as an expert and Nickel and Dimes you. Send those customers to your competitors ;) Maybe is about time for you to find new customers that respect your time, skill and talent Example: I prefer to deal with 10 clients that pay me 10K each than 100 clients who are paying 1000$ each. How do I price our new products without pricing them out? It depends what you want to do!
Small Business
Clarity Expert
The answer to your question is YES But before I continue to think about this beautiful concept, Maybe I should check out why cars in the 90's and 80's are no longer circulating in Japan!
Social Games
Clarity Expert
Are you willing to spend months and years to learn how to hypnotize people and Mind reading NLP ? If you do, it will put you among the top 1% of the best poker players in the world. Therefore, it will grant you a higher chance to win poker game.
Clarity Expert
Do you have patent on the process or product?
Clarity Expert
No, unless you keep the same name and entity of the business.
Real Estate Investment
Clarity Expert
This is a very good question. In Canada, Quebec, there is something that we call "Contre-Lettre" I believe that is also common in other countries. In order to safeguard your share and assets, you must request a document (counter-Letter) from the notary which stipulate you have ownership of 20% and you will be responsible to pay revenue generated from of this asset. If dispute may occur between you and your co-investor in the future, the law is clear: the counter letter prevails over the apparent contract.
Real Estate
Clarity Expert
The triple senses. It does make sense for me to buy Residential RE with your Company. It makes more sense if it's a rental property investment. It makes even more sense if your objective is for retirement and your money is not set in a mutual fund or stock market. However, please verify with your Local Tax expert and fiscal authority in Ireland.
Real Estate Investment
Clarity Expert
I don't know about Best Investment in Spain. But If you are looking for Best RE investment period, it doesn't need to be in Spain, I would do RE investment within the Commonwealth of Nations. If you want to expend in Asia, Japan and Hong Kong would be the best options. I'm curious, why specifically in Spain?
Clarity Expert
You can learn more about selling companies by actually taking action and look out potential seller or connecting with Agent who can tell you more about the business. I strongly suggest that you go on field that you already know, have a high understanding. You can negotiate a deal on the terms and conditions with the seller, doesn't necessarily have to be on the price.
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