
Brad Costanzo

Entrepreneur, Investor & Marketing Expert


Why would you want to talk to Brad?

Because your business is not as profitable as it could or should be.

Because he is an expert at unconventional profit improvement strategies.

From licensing intellectual property and strategic alliances to cutting-edge direct marketing and ecommerce techniques.

Brad is a 7 time bestselling publisher and expert at highly targeted marketing and copywriting strategies.

You talk to Brad when you're stuck. When you are looking for simple solutions to complex business growth problems.

He has started, funded and sold several companies. He has lost it all and gained it back. He understands how to apply leverage and create or reveal opportunities that others miss.

He is an accomplished real estate investor, marketing maven and entrepreneurial strategist. He's addicted to learning and has failed at more things that most people have succeeded at.

Would you like a "Second Opinion On Your First Impression?" Brad's second opinion sessions have resulted in 300% increases in sales for several clients... you could be next.

You can find more on Brad at

Or on his Podcast at

Recent Answers


Who should I hire for assistance with creating a LinkedIn profile?

Brad Costanzo

Entrepreneur, Investor & Marketing Expert

This may help you. On my business podcast, "Bacon Wrapped Busines" (Shameless self plug) I just interviewed an expert at this named Jimmy Coleman. You can hear the full interview here: And yes, he helps with this exact stuff. Question: What is your business?

Legal Advice

On my website, can I feature links to other websites without their express permission?

Brad Costanzo

Entrepreneur, Investor & Marketing Expert

Yes you can.

Business Strategy

How can I become an idea person, as a professional title?

Brad Costanzo

Entrepreneur, Investor & Marketing Expert

Will you permit me to be really frank with you? One of the things I get paid by clients for is Ideation consulting. But ideation is a specific process, not randomly brainstorming ideas. Here's the frank part, you're looking for a very lazy way out... which means you're already lost. Yes, you can take a passive role in a business by investing cash in them OR by providing such extraordinary value one time that they give you equity for that value exchange. You also said you want to found a startup but not do interviewing. What does that even mean? You don't want to interview employees?


How can I find my niche for consulting?

Brad Costanzo

Entrepreneur, Investor & Marketing Expert

Your "passion" is around entrepreneurs and business owners. But is that also your "experience" in being one or helping others in any way shape or form. You love coaching and consulting and speaking... which infers you've done it a lot. Unless you mean you "would love to" coach/consult/speak but haven't done it yet. You would need to be more specific. Because your ability to help consult is dependent upon your actual ability to help consult. I did this video about the topic But you still need to start with your existing ability to help

Business Strategy

How do I license out a product?

Brad Costanzo

Entrepreneur, Investor & Marketing Expert

So this is a great question and requires a relatively complex answer. And this is NOT legal advice. The first answer is that No, in most cases do not patent the invention yet. Often a provisional patent will do just fine, much cheaper and faster to market. Most inventor patents out of the gate are a waste of time/money. Additionally, one license negotiation piece is that if you have the Prov Patent Application, (PPA) then you can have the licensee pay for the cost of YOUR patent. I recently interviewed licensing expert Stephen Key, NYT Bestselling author of One Simple Idea about this topic. You can listen if you'd like for free here: Hope this is helpful

Video Marketing

What creative process should I use to make a killer explainer video that clearly conveys the need for our product? And who should I get to make it?

Brad Costanzo

Entrepreneur, Investor & Marketing Expert

I actually have this article bookmarked in my evernote account about explainer videos. they do a great job of breaking down all the steps of the process and I used this when I created an explainer video for

Real Estate Investment

What are some best practice to make a decision to invest in residential property?

Brad Costanzo

Entrepreneur, Investor & Marketing Expert

As a long time investor in real estate for myself and someone who finds properties for other investors I will try to help you out. First decide what your long and short term goals are. Your priorities are more important than the property or area. Are you looking to for a solid medium to long term investment that yields a good return over time in a stable asset or looking to make quicker cash by fixing and flipping. If you're looking to get a good return on your money, without worrying about being an active landlord, fixing toilets or having management responsibility, there are companies who will do all of this for you. Find the property, rehab it (if necessary), rent it out and manage it. You'll pay them to do this, but it's a lot less work than getting involved and doing a lot of this yourself. In fact, most of the properties I purchase for myself and my clients are from frustrated landlords who bought property, wanted to manage it themselves and after a few years of headaches, they sell it to me at a very big discount just to get rid of it. So make sure you know what you want for yourself, both in terms of return on investment and time or risk involved. There are opportunities for you no matter what you want to do, but those are key. AFTER you know that, the biggest decisions are WHERE to invest and how you're going to find the properties. If you live in Southern California, as I do, you may not want to buy and hold because you can get much more for your money in places like Dallas and Memphis (where I buy houses to "hold"). Working with a company who does everything for you is a called a Turn-Key operator. Hope these help, if you'd like more insight, feel free to schedule a call. Brad

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Email MarketingMarketing StrategyDirect marketingCopywritingReal Estate InvestingBusiness StrategyIntellectual PropertyLicensingJoint VenturesSales Funnel Optimization