
John Lomba

Expert Business Plan Development & Implementation


I have over 25 Years of experience in helping businesses create, implement and manage successful business plans. Through my consultative approach, I will help you to develop your mission and vision statements, identify your companies most important goals, and create tools to help keep you on track with those goals.

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What makes someone a good salesperson?

John Lomba

Expert Business Plan Development & Implementation

I've been asked this question countless time over my 2 decades of selling experience. Space here is limited so here are 3 keys: 1: Know Your Product Features Cold But Sell The Benefits. Can your customers see and verbalize how their situation will be improved by purchasing your product? 2. Create a BUYING EXPERIENCE that your customers will enjoy. There's a great chef at my local italian restaurant but the place is a dive. So, I don't eat there. 3. Be REFERABLE. Even if you sell the benefits and create an enjoyable buying experience your clients may not refer new business to you. A referral is a salespersons pot of gold. Know how to create the a "referable moment".

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Business DevelopmentMarketing StrategySmall Business CoachingBusiness planningBusiness StrategyNew Business DevelopmentBusiness AnalysisSmall Business Development