
Nigel Hibbert

Investor,Specialist,Turnaround of SMEs and PLCs


I am on Linkedin for all your business needs Business plans,Restructuring,Business Process Bringing Profitability to Large PLCs

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What is a better title for a startup head....Founder or CEO? Are there any pros/cons to certain titles?

Nigel Hibbert

Investor,Specialist,Turnaround of SMEs and PLCs

Founder would be the term if you started the company from the start Apple would have been started by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak, Microsoft founded by Bill Gates and Paul Allen, Walt Disney would have founded his company in his own name As a start up head the title of Founder can help with you find investors and funding the main drawback is that if you list yourself as a Founder,it will show that you are in the early stages of your business and therefore can be perceived as being a risky or potential high risk prospect Tim Cook of Apple or Steve Ballmer of Microsoft,Robert Iger and Michael Eisner of Disney are examples of the role of the CEO and they have a much greater responsibility to the whole business operation You would have to demonstrate that you have the necessary knowledge and experience to be holding the position of a CEO within the company and with all the necessary capability of what that means Also does your company have a CFO Chief Financial Officer, CMO Chief Marketing Officer and other senior Executive roles that need to be listed as well There is a large difference in being a Founder and a CEO and the different responsibilities involved in being a start up and the actual CEO role of dealing with the hands on operation of the company being answerable to financial institutions,regulatory bodies,employees,the wider community and also with the greater social responsibility concerns which comes with the CEO role


How can I find help for my film/tv industry startup?

Nigel Hibbert

Investor,Specialist,Turnaround of SMEs and PLCs

The film/tv industry can be very challenging. I can help with a strategy that can help you with the pricing and marketing depends on the type of film/tv you are making. film festivals are a great way for your film to be spotted and in terms of tv. Are you doing a single episode or more than one as this would affect what type of funding you would need I can give you a good business strategy you can call me

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