
Michelle Urban

Startup Marketing Consultant| Growth Strategist


Michelle is the founder of Marketing 261, a marketing shop for startups. With a hands-on, get-it-done attitude, she focuses on executing measurable that get results. For over 15 years, she’s helped business executives and marketing leaders build strategies for awarding winning companies like VerticalResponse, GoodData, SolarWinds, Layer, & productboard.

Recent Answers

Web Design

How can I educate myself on SEO for my new blog?

Michelle Urban

Startup Marketing Consultant| Growth Strategist

Anything from Ahrefs. They have a great Facebook group and their "Blogging for Business" is money worth spent. One of the best SEO trainings that are out there ($799, but well worth the money) - Also, SEMRush has excellent trainings- There technical SEO is a must for all beginner SEO folks - Moz is a great source of info, however all the information can be very overwhelming and be careful that you are not reading old and outdated info. SEO has changed a lot in the last few years. So, if you're reading an article from 2016, chances are algorithms and such have changed. There is so much content on SEO - some good and some shady. My feedback is to find your 2-3 reliable sources and stick to to their information as your "source of truth." My go-to are: - Ahrefs (blogs and Facebook group) - SEMrush (courses and and blog) - MOZ (Whiteboard Friday and current info only) - Grow & Convert (GREAT blog content - Good luck. SEO can be a ton of fun. Michelle Urban

SaaS - Enterprise & SMB B2B

What are some tried-and-true metrics for enterprise/ARR-based SaaS companies?

Michelle Urban

Startup Marketing Consultant| Growth Strategist

Check out this example for your business metrics. I think you can easily convert MRR to ARR. I think the funnel metrics like traffic, leads, MQL, SQL, time to close, etc, is important, but for the business side, I think it's more about spend and revenue. Good luck and holler with questions. Michelle Urban

SaaS - Enterprise & SMB B2B

What is the best platform for the B2B technology market? We are using LinkedIn & Google Ads right now with poor conversion for sign-ups.

Michelle Urban

Startup Marketing Consultant| Growth Strategist

What is your target audience? And what is your call to action? Is it a free trial, an ebook, webinar invite? If your conversions are low, I would say you need to reevaluate three things: 1. Your ad message and design: how does it show value and benefit, is it straightforward to read, what is the hook. 2. Your landing page copy and fields: similar to above, what are you saying to make viewers see the value of engaging? Also, is there a low barrier to entry? How many fields does someone need to fill out and what are you asking of them? 3. Your target audience: how active are they on LinkedIn and searching Google? Are there long tail keywords that might be more appealing to your target. The search volume will be lower; however the intent is higher. Suggestions: SEO and paid ads go together like salt and pepper. Have an SEO strategy in place to help organically build traffic. The good thing about paid is that when you flip the switch, you will be traffic and engagement. The sad thing is that if you turn it off, all the will stop, immediately. If you are focusing on SEO and building organic, that will never go away. The compound interest is invaluable. Once you have built up your organic traffic, you can cut back on the paid. Also, try incorporating retargeting into your paid strategy. Build more of a story that builds on the content that is for TOFU. Happy to chat more about how that would look regarding "telling a story." (FYI, this is my favorite method for increasing conversions). Good luck and keep me posted on your changes and improvements. Cheers, Michelle Urban

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Social Media MarketingEmail MarketingMarketing StrategyContent MarketingConversion OptimizationSales EnablementContent StrategyGrowth StrategiesFunnel Optimization