
Daniel Berry

Operations Development. Early Stage & Small Teams


Start-Up Founder and Small Teams Leader. Organizing Noise and Level-Setting Expectations.

Recent Answers

Building Relationships

My partner is an idea person who refuses professional business plan. Is this typical of creatives or is this a sign of unprofessional habits?

Daniel Berry

Operations Development. Early Stage & Small Teams

Having dealt with this issues personally, it’s a tough conversation; especially if you are close to your partner. As a founder, it is important to establish operational procedure, even when working with “creatives”. Using this identifier as a cover for not wanting to deal with the minutiae of a business plan means the may or may not be truly invested in the concept. It might be worth discussing where they see the business in 3-5 years and the road to getting. Happy to jump on a quick call to talk further about this. Dan

Employee Relations

Dealing with a disrespectful employee.

Daniel Berry

Operations Development. Early Stage & Small Teams

All team members, regardless of team size, can benefit from clear expectations related to their performance and professional demeanor. Expectations can be set formally, in terms of annual goals, and informally, in terms of company culture. As a person who has worked for you for 10 years, do you have a relationship with this employee to understand id personal circumstances may have changed? Sometime people outgrow companies and vice versa. Have job functions for this employee evolved and were these changes communicated to them? Happy to jump on a quick call and discuss a few tactics to ease the tensions and retain good talent. Dan

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Areas of Expertise

Early Stage StartupBusiness Operations ManagementStart-up OperationsOperations Improvement