
Meredith Eisenberg

Website and Marketing Automation Reviews


Have helped hundreds of entrepreneurs to turn their talents and passions into viable online businesses. Can help you overcome the overwhelm of not knowing what systems to pick or what the steps are to getting your knowledge out there online.

Am particularly talented at looking at websites and telling you what you need to do to make them resonate with your ideal client.

Have 20 years of PR and Marketing Experience, am a certified Infusionsoft consultant and Guerilla marketing coach.

Recent Answers


What are the best ways to promote a podcast?

Meredith Eisenberg

Website and Marketing Automation Reviews

We just recently launched a podcast that has been top of category in iTunes for the past 6 weeks. We've done the same thing for two clients. I would say that I would heavily use social media to get the word out about our stories. Also, ask your authors to help promote - the more people who know about the podcast - the more people will ultimately hear the winners. You could even possibly have a people's choice part of your competition - where people listen to the various podcasts and vote on the winner - that will get you more downloads. We just wrote a blog post on our launch process which might give you some ideas - And of course... what the previous two experts have already said.

Entrepreneur Coaching

Is there a profitable platform in being a "Life Coach"?

Meredith Eisenberg

Website and Marketing Automation Reviews

I have helped many life coaches build very successful businesses - the key issue is being able to solve problems people will pay you for. I've found that the more specific you can be in the type of problem you solve (do you help midlife professionals with second careers? or college graduates to position themselves for their first job?) - the better you'll do. The steps for getting there: 1. Do some research - find out what problems people are having - that you can help them with. 2. Create a small scale offering and test it out with people you know who are willing to pay you a little bit for it. 3 Start building a community around it. Best of luck with letting your brilliance shine through in the world!


How do I expand my network with people who are MORE influential than I am? I'm looking for tips and tricks to do this online (with LinkedIn, etc)

Meredith Eisenberg

Website and Marketing Automation Reviews

One of the ways I expanded my network was to start podcasting. Staring a podcast gave me an excuse to reach out to people "higher on the food chain" with an offer of exposure. Most people will say yes - especially if they are launching a book or in promotion mode. Another way to reach out, is to become part of their circle... take classes from them, participate in their community.

Cash Flow

How do you make money to survive while you are building a business? What are some quick ways to make money with less time commitment?

Meredith Eisenberg

Website and Marketing Automation Reviews

I am an online marketing automation consultant. When I stopped working full time - I got several gigs as a subcontractor to people in my industry who were just a bit further along than I was. I didn't get paid as much - but a learned a lot - both in terms of skills and how to run my practice.


Can You Setup Lead Tracking In Infusionsoft For Me?

Meredith Eisenberg

Website and Marketing Automation Reviews

Tyler is right - but you can cheat the system by using affiliate links to track. So, you would set up an affiliate link for each different traffic source, ad, banner, affiliate. Then, not only can you track the leads, you can track how well they convert.

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Areas of Expertise

Social Media MarketingDigital StrategyInfusionsoftPodcastingCopywritingSEO copywritingPodcast Production