
Laura Rubinstein

Social Media Marketing Speaker & Consultant.


Social Media, Marketing and Branding strategist. Offering insider shortcuts to growing influence, visibility and profits online and offline. Certified Hypnotherapist and Master Leadership Coach. Let's bring your brand to the billions. Helping passionate experts go from unknown to well known.

Recent Answers

Mobile Apps

Why mobile users prohibit apps sending push-messages?

Laura Rubinstein

Social Media Marketing Speaker & Consultant.

You may think many users automatically prohibit the sending of push notifications and that may be the case for those who feel push notifications are intrusive and annoying. That being said, research actually indicates that app retention and engagement are up In fact, 68% of users opt-in to push notifications according to Responsys' research ( ). Furthermore, research shows that engagement is up because of push notifications ( . That's why marketers are focusing in on push notification strategies according to Localytics research So if you know of an app getting poor engagement over time, the question really should be "Why is our app not engaging and what would engage users?" Also, "Is it obvious what benefit someone gets by opting into the push notifications?"

Social Media Strategy

I've been asked to manage the social media presence of a non-profit that educates people who want to be entrepreneurs. What can I do to get results?

Laura Rubinstein

Social Media Marketing Speaker & Consultant.

There are tons of great ways to build the visibility for rising entrepreneurs. Being a non-profit, I would suggest using a combination of email marketing, and in person events along with social media. You must engage your audience. Focus social media strategies on LinkedIn and Facebook ads as well. If you'd like to discuss and gain a full strategy and get your questions answered in detail, please feel free to schedule some time to do so.

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