
Jeremy Schoemaker

ShoeMoney Media Group INC


No matter what you are doing... Affiliate Marketing, Email marketing, E-Commerce, Pay Per Click, SEO, Social media... There is nothing that I can't share my personal experiences with you and help you accomplish your goals.

2001 to present - Blogger at - Top 10 internet marketing blog grossing over 1 million a year in ad and affiliate revenue.
2012 to present - Launched PAR Program (people acquisition and retention) platform.
2011 - Most influential person on the internet - Fast Company Magazine
2011 - Elected to the Facebook Advisory board representing the affiliate community.
2010 - Largest advertiser on all of Facebook spending 70-90k per day promoting other people's products.
2010 - created - sold the company in late 2010 for mid 6 figures.
2009 - founded mixed martial arts website - sold in 2010.
2008 - Nominated for a Presidential Award for technology by eBay under George Bush.
2007 - Founded AuctionAds Launched March 2007 and grew the advertising network to 2m/month in revenue in only 4 months and sold the company in July of 2006 - Commission Junction's highest earning affiliate for the year.
2005 - Highest grossing affiliate - Jamster Ringtones.
2003 - Founded Nextpimp largest mobile site on the internet (sold in 2010)

(and lots of other stuff I have left out.)

Recent Answers


How do you build a high traffic niche website?

Jeremy Schoemaker

ShoeMoney Media Group INC

There is no one size fits all magic bullet answer here. Anyone who answers trying to help is just shooting in the dark. So many unknown factors.

App Marketing

How do I best set up an affiliate program through an Apple App?

Jeremy Schoemaker

ShoeMoney Media Group INC

The apple affiliate program through Performance Horizon Group has over 100 countries and pays out a flat 2% on iTunes Store, App Store, iBooks Store, Mac App Store, and of course the online computer store. The platform is OK and you can place a pixel to see how your campaigns are performing. The cookie only lasts for 24 hours so if he person doesn't make a purchase immediately then you do not get credit. As a side note I bought my last computer through my own affiliate link and it did not track through.... so I question their tracking. If you are doing computers specifically I recommend using the Amazon affiliate platform. They sell apple products and are the same price plus ship faster. They also pay on a tiered structure starting at 4% and going all the way up to 8% depending on the volume of sales you generate. Amazon is not available in all states though. If you are building a business around the apple affiliate program think twice (just my 2 cents).

Affiliate Marketing

Can I use affiliate marketing to earn more revenue instead of just showing AdSense ads?

Jeremy Schoemaker

ShoeMoney Media Group INC

There are tons of gaming offers on clickbank. Big market there for that.


Can you really make a full time income from Adsense or affiliate marketing?

Jeremy Schoemaker

ShoeMoney Media Group INC

Yes if you have a site that has traffic these can be great streams of revenue. If you google my name and check or Adsense check you will see me holding a check and what can be possible :)

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