Founder & Product Manager, StoryApp
I've got 4 iPhone apps in the app store and multiple web apps that I've built or been a part of. My goal is to build a machine indistinguishable from a human being.
Marketing Strategy
Founder & Product Manager, StoryApp
The fastest way in all of business to double revenue is to increase your price. Try doubling your price and see how many customers leave. If less than 50% leave then you just made money!! This is technically called elasticity of demand and without getting all economics gangster on you, it's part of the 4 (or 5) Ps of marketing. There was a recent article about an ecommerce retailer who actually increased prices 5% on Black Friday while everyone else was discounting. They made more money this year than last and didn't lose any customers. In this case, most people's elasticity of demand wasn't sensitive enough to the price change for it to make a world of difference. It's up to you to find the optimal price point that maximizes Price * Quantity.
Founder & Product Manager, StoryApp
NASA is famous for writing the most bug-free code in the history of programming. They do it by being fanatics about test-driven development. They write tests for tests. If you want to have a rock solid app, you have to put everything else aside and focus only on quality. Every time a new build goes out, every single member of the team has to test every tiny nook and cranny and write tests to mimic how they're testing it in real life. The goal is to start small with a solid core and get it functioning error-free before building other features. If you hold yourselves accountable to make feature incredible before you begin building others then you'll never have to go back and clean up something later. In short, try to do it "write" the first time :)
Areas of Expertise