
Chris Seferyn

Expert in Hospitality, Branding and E-Commerce


25+ years building concepts in restaurants, bars and nightclubs. 10 years in E-Commerce.

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Adventure Travel

How to find a co-founder for travel related startup?

Chris Seferyn

Expert in Hospitality, Branding and E-Commerce

This sounds like more of a grandiose idea than a business. It sounds a lot like you don't have any experience in the travel industry per se (I could be wrong). The key to something like this how are you going to market it? Just who is looking for something like this? You would need a lot more validation and testing before you could consider finding a partner. However, if you talk to 100 travel agents about how to market this and they like it, you might find a co-founder through that search. It still makes sense to throw up a simple web site and offer the packages and see if anyone wants to buy them first. I like to throw some tough love out there to potential entrepreneurs so they can fight back with the right answers to win at their business.


Does odd pricing turn you off (e.g., $29 vs $30)?

Chris Seferyn

Expert in Hospitality, Branding and E-Commerce

Tyler: have your wife test her theory. the only way to know. I'd be curious if etsy matters (I doubt it). Also the best pricing strategy has 3 tiers of pricing to increase sales and net profit.

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