
Sir Ferdyberry

Cryptoneur | Internet guru | Entrepreneur



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It makes 2 year i try to win money online i found nothing serious i try dropshipping, cpa offer, to rent villa with booking, etc, i such a mentor now!

Sir Ferdyberry

Cryptoneur | Internet guru | Entrepreneur

It's disheartening to know your plight! Don't beat yourself up over it so hard. But you should know that you are not alone in this. Lemme begin with similar qualms. I was agitated over the 'get rich quick' scheme over the internet. The internet as we know is filled with scams. Those voracious over getting quick result might fall prey into a well planned financial hoax. Then we ask: is there actually something genuine on the internet? Offcourse yes! I have been in this for over 2years now... And I have proven records to show. In essence, I know a significant wealth ground breaking tools. E.g are the crypto airdrop and bounties. This venture would enable you get free money by doing simple and quick tasks. Should you be interested in knowing more or other options, hit me up for a conversation and mentorship


What's the difference between a cryptocurrency coin and token? Is one any better than the other?

Sir Ferdyberry

Cryptoneur | Internet guru | Entrepreneur

There is no such thing as a crytocurrency token! If it walks like a duck and it talks like a duck. It’s actually a duck. The fact that people bought some tokens, expecting to make a profit, by definition (and by law in most jurisdictions) equals all tokens to securities or perhaps coins. For a token to be a cryptographically utilizable, one had to have some form of a token economy, proving how the token would be used inside a defined ecosystem. In most cases those token economies were built on untested and unproven assumptions, without even having products, let alone users or customers. White papers described thriving token-economies, which promised growing demand for tokens, which in turn would result in dramatic price increases, turning the investment very lucrative. The fact that profit was expected proved beyond a reasonable doubt that utility tokens were in fact securities or coins. Most tokens described in ICO’s are in fact securities or coins. Still not clarified? You could hit me up for an interaction.

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