
Winson ng

Start-up Entrepreneur: Kindle Publishing


Started Think Maverick, Striving to be the Next generation of Maverick Entrepreneurs and helping people who wants to make a difference in the World. Making a full-time income working online. To date i have sold tens of thousands of books on Amazon Kindle and Made the Top 3 Bestseller in various niches.

Recent Answers

Tax Law

Tax question: My Kindle publishing revenue is being taxed 30% by the US gov. Do i still need to be taxed or even declare my earnings in my country?

Winson ng

Start-up Entrepreneur: Kindle Publishing

In this case, amazon kindle direct publishing takes 30% at the source before paying out .everyone is not exempted from this 30% withholding unless their country has a treaty with the US gov...


Best advice to start a small business abroad as a foreigner, US, Swiss, New Zealand, Singapore. Research online proves to be really confusing red tape

Winson ng

Start-up Entrepreneur: Kindle Publishing

Thanks Corey, i have got my online business flourishing, it is not a matter of selling in other countries. My reason is simple, the start-up landscape in my country is really bad, corrupted and has a bleak future. I want a gain a strong foothold so i can grow my business with no worries. I need advice for those who has successfully migrated their business ... as a foreigner, from my standpoint, i know there are ways to do this, but it is all too confusing for me...In any case my business is forecast to grow exponentially in the next 2-5 years, and i want to officially start in a country that welcomes internet entrepreneurs...

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