
Justine Bloome

Strategy & Innovation Consultant


Seasoned business strategist. Formerly Chief Strategy Officer of VaynerMedia globally. Formerly founder of The Village Agency in Australia. Certified Executive Coach. I can help you with marketing strategy, content and social strategy, plus how to pitch your idea to agencies and brands.

Recent Answers

Influencer Marketing

Need PPC Influencer marketing service to reach out to business professionals & entrepreneurs.

Justine Bloome

Strategy & Innovation Consultant

Speak to Niche - their acquisition by Twitter probably would net you some decent results in this space.

Business Strategy

Business Strategy Advice Needed - I want to sell crafts I make (mainly horseshoe art) online. What's the best way to go about this?

Justine Bloome

Strategy & Innovation Consultant

I would start by looking at the demand (via search) for what you are offering and where the competition to supply that demand is currently. Happy to discuss in further detail if this would be of interest.

Launching Start-ups

If you were to launch a new web design agency, what business/pricing model would you use?

Justine Bloome

Strategy & Innovation Consultant

I had this debate often with the freelancers in my network when I established and ran The Village Agency, a purely freelance agency with a disruptive model. My answer is that would could test and learn from all of these. Create different landing pages for all options and assess each opportunity on the basis of what would best suit the client while optimizing for SEO and organic leads... see which gains you the most traction and track which garners you the best profits. I am not sure your answer lies in a silver-bullet approach.


What should entrepreneurs do when feeling stuck and finding things aren't going anywhere?

Justine Bloome

Strategy & Innovation Consultant

Hey there, I am an Australian entrepreneur with two businesses and I can relate to your question. The brief nature of your question indicates to me that you're possibly feeling a little defeated. It's completely natural for someone who takes risks and runs on the edge of possibilities to feel this every now and again, so resist the urge to be too hard on yourself! I agree with the others, the solution depends on the context and how you arrived at this point. For what it is worth - when I'm stuck, I find walking away and not thinking about it for 24-48 hours is the first step. Followed by going outdoors with pen and paper and venturing to places that I know will inspire fresh thinking, lateral thinking, about ways over/under/around/through the obstacles making me feel stuck. Particularly if you work from home often or have been spending all your time in your office. Change the scenery. Do you have a "Brains Trust" or "Advisory Board" you can discuss your current status with and gather insight and advice from? Or people you can turn to who will give a constructive but critical review of where you are at? Having a business mentor / coach assists me during these times - it can be too easy to try to go it alone and tough it out... too easy, but ineffective. Would love to have a call with you if you'd like to discuss your business and challenges further.

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Areas of Expertise

Marketing StrategyContent MarketingInfluencer MarketingBrandingBusiness StrategyStartup MarketingPitching IdeasStrategic CommunicationsCreative StrategyStrategic Partners