
Shishir Bashyal

Applied AI, ML, and Data Science Leader


Looking for expert advice on Data, AI, or Data Science? Or need help catching up with the rapid AI evolution that is happening? I would love to speak with you.

I am currently a CEO of a startup. I have 20+ years of experience helping businesses improve products and achieve growth using data science, AI, and machine learning. I have helped develop data products to solve problems in marketing, e-commerce, SaaS, gaming, and many other domains. I help individuals and businesses develop a winning strategy using data and AI.

Reviews from previous Clarity call requesters testify that they got more than they hoped for in topics related to business applications of Data Science, AI, GenAI, LLM, and Machine learning. If you schedule a call with me and are not satisfied, I will happily refund the full amount.

Recent Answers

Machine Learning

Do you know an AI firm that can help build a machine learning tool or Photoshop script to automate the graphic design process in my business?

Shishir Bashyal

Applied AI, ML, and Data Science Leader

This is an interesting but open ended question. It would depend on what kind of graphic designs the AI has to automate. I am interested to learn more!

Big Data

How can I assess the value of my data assets?

Shishir Bashyal

Applied AI, ML, and Data Science Leader

If I understood it correctly, you certainly have collected some useful data that can be valuable. Organizations like Kelly Blue Book, J.D. Power and Associates and Consumer Reports are possible buyers. Another thing that comes to mind is creating a consumer website where prospective car buyers can research which make and model are better from the cost of ownership perspective. Same applies to people looking to buy new tires. Moneyball for tires?

Growth Hacking

A super niche product on Kickstarter: - how'd you get free traffic & growhack strategies? Few big media gave up on us last min.

Shishir Bashyal

Applied AI, ML, and Data Science Leader

The product looks interesting. Have you tried posting it to gaming forums? Reddit? If not, I would start there. I would suggest you to reach out to bloggers that cover gaming and technology. One thing I noted is that your entry level backing starts at $45. It helps to have lower level backing so that your campaign trends higher in Kickstarter.

Web Analytics

What is the best tool to visualize different types of data? I have all the info on my website but need a nice tool to visualize it.

Shishir Bashyal

Applied AI, ML, and Data Science Leader

I see two important players missing in the answers already provided so I wanted to add them here. If you are planing to embed charts in your website and are fairly comfortable with programming, consider d3.js which is a very versatile visualization tool. If you need to analyze data and create interactive dashboard to visualize the data that you have using minimum programming, consider Tableau which has both server and desktop editions.

Customer Support

Can you use Twillio as a smart routing business phone solution?

Shishir Bashyal

Applied AI, ML, and Data Science Leader

Yes, exactly what Twilio is capable of. If you need it for just your business, this can be done using simple scripts. Routing is actually the easy part. Voicemails are a bit more involved but they have you covered:

Corporate Law

I'm starting a new startup with a cofounder. Do I need to also create a shareholders agreement or is a company constitution enough?

Shishir Bashyal

Applied AI, ML, and Data Science Leader

If you are just getting started, you need to get the founders agreement signed. Here is a sample template: If you are incorporating your company, I strongly suggest you review this write up:

Data Science

What are the best traits to look for in a data scientist/data analyst?

Shishir Bashyal

Applied AI, ML, and Data Science Leader

Knowledge (of algorithms, statistics, fundamental principles), Creativity (in solving problems) and Experience (in wrangling data, writing code). Different people different combinations of these so you will have to trade-off.

Growth Hacking

How did Clarity get initial traction?

Shishir Bashyal

Applied AI, ML, and Data Science Leader

Dan asked experts in his network to donate 1 hour of their expertise to help others as his birthday gift. Thats how Clarity was born! Clarity CEO Dan Martel explains this in his blog post "From a Birthday Wish to $1.6M in funding"


How do founders find the right investors when it comes time to find investment?

Shishir Bashyal

Applied AI, ML, and Data Science Leader

This has been discussed many times before and rather than repeating a lot of those things here, I will direct you to one of the best resources on this topic. Clarity CEO Dan Martel recently released a video "Raising Capital Like a Pro" that covers most things you need to know about fund raising. Here is the link:


We are looking for a software solution that can help us track associates sales for a referral program .

Shishir Bashyal

Applied AI, ML, and Data Science Leader

Have you thought about handing out coupons to these partners with unique Coupon Codes for each partner? While your barcode idea is similar, the coupon could motivate prospective customers to value the referral even more.

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Startup ConsultingBig DataData ScienceMachine LearningData MiningInternet of ThingsArtificial Intelligenceblockchain