
Julian David

Life Purpose Coaching


Founder, deep passion for connecting you with your life purpose so you can live a fulfilling life and get the results you want

Recent Answers

Career Advising

I need your advice on my situation. I find myself stuck. Whenever I ask myself what should I work now on, I have no answer. I just go blank.

Julian David

Life Purpose Coaching

Hi there. It sounds to me like you want to get in touch with what motivates you from within so you can find a business idea that will keep you motivated, am I hearing that correctly? In order to do that you have to find out what it is that motivates you, what keeps you going. I run a coaching business specialized in getting people in touch with their core purpose. What is a purpose? It's the inner driving factor that propels you forward in life. It's the themes you find most interest and satisfaction in. To get you in touch with your purpose I offer one-hour coaching sessions. Since my business is brand-new I'm offering you to try out the first coaching session and let you decide, after the session, if you want to pay for it or not. If you're interested, you can book an appointment on my website. Kind regards, Julian

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