
Gagandeep Gill

Social Media Consultant/Trainer/Strategist/Auditor


- 7+ years of experience in Digital Marketing, 3.5 years specifically in Social Media
- Managed over $50,000 in ad spend on various social media networks
- Currently managing over 30 Social media assets for various clients

I am deeply passionate about Social Media and can talk about it for hours. I strive to stay on top of my game by actively monitoring any new development in this sphere, continually giving time to R&D, Studying and Following Latest Social Media Case Studies and by Testing ever increasing Social Media Platforms/ Apps/ Social Media Management & Monitoring Tools.

I would love to coach you towards success for your goals through social media. We will start with the objectives that you are trying to fulfill and then talk about the best ways to achieve them through various social media platforms like Google+, Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram etc.

If you don't already have a profile/page on any of the social media platforms, then I can guide you through a step by step process and advice you on how to use it effectively. If you already have a Google+ profile, Facebook Page, Twitter profile, LinkedIn profile etc. then I can have a look and do a quick audit to suggest ways to improve them further as well as brainstorm with you to arrive at a suitable social media strategy.

Apart from that, I'd be happy to answer any question/queries you might have about Social Media and how it can be leveraged to meet your Goals.

Recent Answers

Social Media Strategy

Which link shortener should we use in our social sharing strategy to track our Analytics?

Gagandeep Gill

Social Media Consultant/Trainer/Strategist/Auditor

I have more than 7 years of experience in digital marketing, managed over $50,000 in ad spend on various social media networks and currently managing over 30 Social media assets for various clients. I keep myself abreast of newer and newer social media platforms and tools by reading prominent blogs in my area of expertise. An important aspect of what I offer my clients is ROI Return on Investment and to demonstrate that I need solutions for tracking and analytics of which URL shortners are a big part. would be my recommendation due to its nice layout and ease of use. Also, it is free and supports multiple platforms including your own custom domain. Its easy to see the clicks in hourly, daily, weekly or fortnightly graphs and It support multiple social networks and the links appear optimized when shared on these. I also consult on the merger of gamification, loyalty marketing and social media and how to calculate Paid, Owned, Earned Media value to calculate ROI for your campaigns. If you have any further questions, I'd be happy to answer them for you here:


How did Snapchat boast a solid user base within a short period of time, compared to Facebook and Twitter?

Gagandeep Gill

Social Media Consultant/Trainer/Strategist/Auditor

I have more than 7 years of experience in digital marketing, managed over $50,000 in ad spend on various social media networks and currently managing over 30 Social media assets for various clients. I keep myself abreast of newer and newer social media platforms and tools by reading prominent blogs in my area of expertise. According to Snapchat in May 2014, the app's users were sending 700 million photos and videos per day, while Snapchat Stories content was being viewed 500 million times per day. Since SnapChat does not reveal its official user count it is based on surveys and reverse engineering. A Pew Study Suggests That Snapchat Has 26 Million U.S. Users while a Study by Sumpto Finds 77% of College Students Use Snapchat Daily. With such mind boggling numbers one is bound to think How SnapChat could have cut itself with such a large piece of the pie with Facebook, Twitter, Instagram already in the picture? 1. SnapChat offered to solve a different pain point than the existing social media platforms. Its unique in its offering of self destructing messages where users can indulge in far risque behavior without being judged as in the case of Facebook which takes us to the next point. 2. SnapChat capitalized on the need for privacy felt by users on Facebook, specially when everything you post on Facebook is Public by default unless you change it through the inline Privacy Selector on Facebook. With everybody's friends and family already on Facebook, users specially teens and those in early twenties, preferred to move to a newer network where they could be themselves without anybody watching, which takes us to the third point. 3. The Novelty factor of being an early user of the "cool new app that everybody is using" translated into word of mouth and more and more users started using the app to conform with peer pressure. 4. Ease of use of using a app made exclusively for Mobile platform as opposed to a Desktop platform as mobile is far more accessible and convenient which is the reason for Twitter's growth despite Facebook in its earlier days, Facebook;s ongoing acquisition of anything and everything mobile and massive valuations of startups like Instagram, Snapchat and Whatsapp. In my opinion, these 4 factors combined together are the cause of a massive user base within a short period of time some of which are applicable to the rise of Vine and messengers like WeChat and WhatsApp as well. Notice that I call SnapChat's userbase "massive" as opposed to "solid" as you have as I think point 3 is far more potent and a majority of SnapChat's users will migrate to a newer app once it catches their fancy. If you have any further questions, I'd be happy to answer them for you here:


Anyone know if facebook's ad manager allows you to create new accounts with clients credit card or can you only have one account with one card?

Gagandeep Gill

Social Media Consultant/Trainer/Strategist/Auditor

I have more than 7 years of experience in digital marketing, managed over $50,000 in ad spend on various social media networks and currently managing over 30 Social media assets for various clients. You can add as many Funding sources to your Facebook Ad account as you want but all campaigns in your Ad account would be charged to the Primary funding source failing which the secondary and so on. The best practice when you have multiple clients is to ask your clients to setup their own Facebook Ad accounts, add their own credit cards to their own accounts and then give General user access to you to enable you to manage their account and create ads on their behalf. Facebook is all set to launch the Facebook Business Manager which according to Facebook themselves would be a way to help businesses and agencies manage their Facebook Pages, ad accounts and payment methods in one place. You can find out more about the Facebook Business Manager here: If you have any further questions, I'd be happy to answer them for you here:

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