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Product Development
Silicones often create the illusion of healthy hair, while your hair is damaged and dried out. This way you don’t give your hair what it needs. If you stop using silicone, you are often suddenly confronted with the true state of your hair, and that is why many people quickly resort to silicone. In some cases, silicone can also conceal your hair texture. They weigh your hair, so curls have less chance.
: Hospital buyers of medical devices contract with manufacturers with market power that sell differentiated products. The medical staff strongly influences hospitals’ choice of devices. Sellers have sought to limit disclosure of transaction prices. Policy- makers have proposed legislation mandating disclosure, in the interest of greater transpar- ency. We discuss why a manufacturer might charge different prices to different hospitals, the role that secrecy plays, and the consequences of secrecy versus disclosure. We argue that hospital-physician relationships are key to understanding what manufacturers gain from price discrimination. Price disclosure can catalyze a restructuring of those relation- ships, which, in turn, can improve hospital bargaining. [Health Affairs 27, no. 6 (2008): 1544–1553; 10.1377/hlthaff.27.6.1544]