
Alaa Hassan

eCommerce Expert, Coach & Growth Marketer


Discover the secret to successful eCommerce growth with my proven 3-step Million Dollar Ecommerce Growth System. With over 20 years of experience and 300+ successful brands under my belt, I know what it takes to take your business to the next level.

As the founder of an eCommerce training academy, I've taught this system to countless individuals and businesses, leading to their unparalleled success.

Don't just take my word for it, see the impressive results for yourself. iNetVideo skyrocketed from $1m to $19.5m in annual sales in just a few years. Linen Chest transformed from a 7-figure business to 8 figures in just 2.5 years. And BeBlue Bijoux doubled their jewelry sales within a mere 6 months of working with me.

From fashion apparel to home decor, pet food to wellness, beauty to jewelry and beyond, I've helped businesses across various industries achieve their eCommerce goals.

Take control of your brand's future and book a growth session with me today. Let's turn your eCommerce dreams into a profitable reality.

Recent Answers

Web Design

Which products for ecommerce works better?

Alaa Hassan

eCommerce Expert, Coach & Growth Marketer

The best way to answer this question is by looking into what your current market needs. Find a product to solve their challenges.


Why don't small business retailers have e-commerce stores on their websites? How do I show small business owners the benefits of e-commerce?

Alaa Hassan

eCommerce Expert, Coach & Growth Marketer

I've asked myself the same question and here's what I found out after asking many of them as well as working with some 1) Lack of technical knowledge & skilled employees 2) No inventory system or unable to connect system to online website with ease 3) No money to implement The best way to start is to launch them on Shopify with a small subset of their inventory only to get them started. Let them get a tasted of the sales and then it will motivate them to invest more.


What is the best advertising channel for my new e-commerce website?

Alaa Hassan

eCommerce Expert, Coach & Growth Marketer

I recently helped my wife launch her own online jewelry store. It really depends on budgets but in her case, she didn't have a huge one. Here's what I told her to do: 1) make sure to build an email list from day 1 2) Use instagram to engage with your target clients (don't sell, but inspire) 3) Start promoting your store with friends on Facebook and have them like your page. Then create facebook ads targeting friends of friends who like your page with your picture on the ad since they're familiar with you. 4) Consider adding your products to marketplaces to generate income faster (Etsy, Amazon, ebay) That's what she started doing and slowly implementing things.


Best Ecommerce tradeshows/exhibits for a small digital agency to attend?

Alaa Hassan

eCommerce Expert, Coach & Growth Marketer

I wrote a list of the best conferences for retailers and I've personally attended most of them. here's the list for 2016

Ecommerce Strategy

What must small company CEOs know about eCommerce?

Alaa Hassan

eCommerce Expert, Coach & Growth Marketer

4 things: 1) You need a multi-channel strategy. Selling on your website is not the only way to sell your product online. 2) Focus more on top of the funnel initiatives (inbound marketing). Amazon rules the bottom of the funnel which is when the customer knows exactly what she's looking for and price is what matters to her. 3) Focus on Conversion Optimization across all channels since it is one of the best ways to have an impact on your bottom line without increasing marketing budgets. 4) Training & Network. Things change fast, keep up to date. Attend conferences and network. 5) Constantly monitor your eCommerce eco-system. Technology changes & new suppliers join the market. Evaluating established processes can help tremendously.

Business Strategy

What does clarity do really well? And what could clarity improve on in the future?

Alaa Hassan

eCommerce Expert, Coach & Growth Marketer

Their phone system works really and simply delivers what is expected. I think having an availability time calendar would be very beneficial so that scheduling matches our availability. Being able to record calls and charge clients an additional fee for that would be great. Also, screen sharing would be good too.


What is your recommended approach to selling a men's clothing ecommerce store?

Alaa Hassan

eCommerce Expert, Coach & Growth Marketer

Focusing on building an engaged community of raving fans will certainly grab the attention. Focus on a specific audience and milk it! Show competitors that you have a segment of customers that love what you have to offer and can potentially be used to purchase other items. Hope that helps.


I'm having a hard time choosing ecommerce sofware for my new store.

Alaa Hassan

eCommerce Expert, Coach & Growth Marketer

I always tell clients that if they can't afford the basic package by Shopify, you are not ready for eCommerce. Free carts are great unless your time is valuable. If you only have 10 products and you simply want to test the waters, you can certainly take a look at building add to cart buttons using Paypal. Another alternative is to use which is only $20/month. I've used Shopify, Bigcommerce, Magento community/Enterprise and many others for my own eCommerce business. Start small. You don't need a very expensive cart to sell online. You just need to know your exact needs. Let me know if that helps or if you have other questions. Cheers! Alaa


How do you handle customer service for an ecommerce, home based business?

Alaa Hassan

eCommerce Expert, Coach & Growth Marketer

I recommend you do the following: 1) Live chat using (use an app on your phone as well). Free or starts at $17/month. 2) VOIP toll free number that forwards to your cell or even converts voice mails into mp3 and forwards it to your email. It's very professional. Use starts at $12/month 3) As for emails, I would recommend using Easy to use, app included as well. Starts at $2/month per box Those 3 solutions will make you look like a big brand with minimal cost. All you have to do now is answer customer inquiries on time :) Hope this helps.

Marketing Strategy

Suppose today you started with no money in your pocket because you spent it all on product development. How would you market it with zero budget?

Alaa Hassan

eCommerce Expert, Coach & Growth Marketer

Either find a partner with money to help you out or use services like If it was me, I would first learn everything I need to know about launching a transactional website (if you are able to sell your product online and ship it ). Websites like make it possible for anyone to get their product online. From there, if you do not have any money for ad spending, start using social media and other sites where your target clients hang out. Get involved in those communities. This will help you get discovered. I would try my best in selling the product within my network first so that when I decide to raise money for marketing, I actually have some numbers to show for it. Hope this helps.

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Areas of Expertise

GrowtheCommerceEmail MarketingGoogle AdWordsConversion Rate Optimization (CRO)E-commerceSearch Engine Optimization (SEO)Ecommerce StrategyShopifySearch Engine Marketing (SEM)