
Lisa Kroese

The Estate Mama: estate sale and appraisal expert


Founder of Expert Estates LLC, a home based estate liquidation and personal property appraisal business. Lisa returned her initial $6,000 investment into her start up by 500% in under a year. Competition in the estate liquidation industry can be fierce but Lisa established and grew her business quickly. She is passionate about helping other small business owners. She can steer new estate business owners through business plan development, marketing, contracts and other key aspects that sets a company apart from the competition. Lisa moved to California in 2010 and had no local contacts or network of families and friends to count on when she started her firm, she will share tips that help anyone succeed. She is a mompreneur balancing a small business with two kids under 5 and a baby on the way.

Recent Answers

Legal Research

Without paying an attorney, how do you find out if these are patentable: 1) your unique way of doing business and 2) certain website features?

Lisa Kroese

The Estate Mama: estate sale and appraisal expert

The patent office is a government agency, you can get help with bureaucracies if you contact your local congressional home office. Let them know you are a small business owner trying to get answers regarding a government agency. You might be able to get constituent services help over the phone, or if you are just getting through to interns, then ask for a meeting at their local office.


What licenses or permits would be necessary to legitimize a business where I make food in my home to sell to local businesses for the holiday season?

Lisa Kroese

The Estate Mama: estate sale and appraisal expert

I am a home based mompreneur and I own Expert Estates LLC. With home baked goods, you are going to have to clear all levels of government for your licensing. You will need to register your venture with your state and county government; there could be local laws that affect how you operate as well. Make sure you obtain appropriate food service and general business permits. Some local food and farming groups have commercial kitchens available that members can use, which might be a good starting option for your business if there is one available. Your county's public health department is another place to look for guidelines on what you need in your area.

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