
Bronson Ma

Revitalizing, Strengthening, & Growing B2B Brands


26+ years of experience working with B2B and B2C brands including working closely with CEOs and their executive team (including internal and fractional marketing teams) for branding, design, and creative development.

Recent Answers

Trade Shows

How can I best showcase my web based service to up to 12000 potential customers as an exhibitor at a trade show before my startup has launched?

Bronson Ma

Revitalizing, Strengthening, & Growing B2B Brands

What Lee suggested is good. Another option is to create a demo animated video and post it on YouTube or Viemo and share it on your landing page.

Business Development

How do I know when I can afford to hire my first employee?

Bronson Ma

Revitalizing, Strengthening, & Growing B2B Brands

I think the question you should be asking is how will hiring an employee or employees change the way I run the business? Too often entrepreneurs who started a business find themselves being run by their business rather than running the business because they have lost the passion of why they got into the business in the first place.

Social Networking

How can I send a message to all my LinkedIn connections in a specific city to let them know I'm going to be doing an event there?

Bronson Ma

Revitalizing, Strengthening, & Growing B2B Brands

In addition to posting an update on LinkedIn, you want want to consider creating a LinkedIn Pulse to promote why you are doing an event there. LinkedIn Pulse are typically articles individuals create but if you think in terms of thought leadership, you may attract people on LInkedIn.

Motorsports Marketing

How can I get started on marketing my motorsport related promo product?

Bronson Ma

Revitalizing, Strengthening, & Growing B2B Brands

First, you will need to figure out a brand strategy for your company/product. From there, you will have a better picture on the following: 1) Who you are 2) What you do 3) How you are different 4) What you stand for 5) Why people should put their faith and trust in you After that, a marketing strategy can then be developed to figure out how to get the word out and with what tools.

Marketing Strategy

Is giving away review copies for a service as bad as offering discounts (devaluing brand value)?

Bronson Ma

Revitalizing, Strengthening, & Growing B2B Brands

It depends on what you are giving away, how much, and how frequently you give away. You want to give away advice that your prospects cannot reproduce but interested enough to see the values you would bring to the table.

Branding & Identity

Is it standard practice for a product and company name to be the same? Should our product and company name remain the same?

Bronson Ma

Revitalizing, Strengthening, & Growing B2B Brands

To answer your question “Is it 'standard practice' for the company and app name to be the same?”, there is no standard practice per se. It will all depend on your strategy and audience’ needs. And regarding product and company name being the same, there are many good answers already but think of it as “House of Brands” or “Branded House.”

Marketing Strategy

We are redoing our marketing budget and are wondering if the Yellow Pages are still an essential part of a marketing strategy for a small hotel?

Bronson Ma

Revitalizing, Strengthening, & Growing B2B Brands

Just one answer on this – NO. There are many alternatives nowadays as channels to market your business. To find the right channels, you will need a lot more background info from your target audience and a clear picture of your strategy backed by real data first.

Domain Names

What are some catchy beginning compound words for a localized photo sharing network?

Bronson Ma

Revitalizing, Strengthening, & Growing B2B Brands

This will require a lot more thinking than just throwing out ideas here. If you are serious and ready to engage in a well thought-out process, then schedule a call with me and we can discuss some things.

Digital Marketing

Which marketing strategy is better for professional services?

Bronson Ma

Revitalizing, Strengthening, & Growing B2B Brands

This question cannot be answered before understanding or developing the following: • Your brand strategy ( value proposition, positioning, messaging platform, etc.) • Your specific area in professional services • Your audience profiles I believe even though marketing is strategic in nature, it is often tactical (what to do). First figure out who you are or who you want to be and then develop a marketing strategy to put your brand into measurable actions.

Marketing Strategy

What are some marketing strategies we can use to reach new customers?

Bronson Ma

Revitalizing, Strengthening, & Growing B2B Brands

This is a loaded question and without a deep understanding of your business, market, competitors, etc., I don't think anyone can or should make any recommendations. But before this is answered, the question to ask is what should be the brand strategy. A company needs to figure out its brand strategy first before the marketing strategy. Marketing is tactical and should be an outcome of your brand. Think of a brand as who you are and marketing is what you do with who you are.

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Areas of Expertise

Brand StrategyBrand developmentBrand ManagementBrand AwarenessMessagingCorporate BrandingBranding & IdentityB2B MarketingCreative StrategyWeb Design & Development