
Steve Patrizi

Marketing & Sales Exec


VP Market Development at Imgur. Founded B2B marketing team at Pinterest, founded and served as GM of LinkedIn's Marketing Solutions business. Passionate about building teams, developing strategies, presentation design, public speaking, and

Recent Answers


Why do so many SaaS B2B firms make you go through a demo, and hide the product instead of letting you start using it right away?

Steve Patrizi

Marketing & Sales Exec

I can't speak for all companies, but many SaaS companies know that its hard for customers to see value from their product until you have some meaningful content in their system - data, users, etc. They could put you into an empty state product, but their own data may very well show that there's a much higher bounce/churn rate or lower conversion rate because its hard for customers to see value vs. when they provide the demo first and then provision access.

SaaS - Enterprise & SMB B2B

What are some tried-and-true metrics for enterprise/ARR-based SaaS companies?

Steve Patrizi

Marketing & Sales Exec

I think you'll find some of the MRR sales & customer-success related metrics also cross over into the ARR world: Sales metrics: - Length of sales cycle (# of days at each sales stage) - # leads / week - # of attempted calls / week - # of completed calls/demos / week - # of deals closed / week - # of lost deals / week - Close rate - Customer acquisition cost Customer success metrics: - Renewal rate - Upsell rate & value - Utilization rate - Lifetime value - NPS

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EntrepreneurshipStart-upsSocial Media MarketingLeadershipPinterestDigital Marketing StrategyLinkedInSaaS - Enterprise & SMB B2BOnline MarketplacePresentation Coaching