
Jake Goss

Systematized 7 Figure Blogging Agency

Bio -- 8M in 2 years -- 60% monthly growth while blogging -- 200%+ users each quarter via content -- ~8 appointments per hour

Recent Answers

Social Media Marketing

business marketing website?

Jake Goss

Systematized 7 Figure Blogging Agency

Want to flesh this question out a bit more? You can get a high-end website for free if you're willing to put in the work. If you're willing to help us with social media, I'll give you a 50 page website template.

Social Media Marketing

How to gain 10k followers on tiktok in a month

Jake Goss

Systematized 7 Figure Blogging Agency

I gained 4k followers after one week of posting. I got bored and quit. Here's my method. There is a hook, then the meat, then the Call to action. Suppose I'm selling a software to help bloggers get mentions from other blogs. First hook is something that sounds like, "This lets bloggers blow up. The meat is 1-2 sentances on why its awesome, focus on benefits "All a blogger has to do is click this button (Show it) and get the emails to pitch their content for them to link it "They can save up to 500$ if they DIY it with the tool Call to action for the first 10k users can be, "follow me" "Follow me for more"

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Help with Technical On-Page SEO and Link Building

Jake Goss

Systematized 7 Figure Blogging Agency

Are you willing to get your hands dirty with the work yourself to bring the total cash outlay down? The average price of a SEO agency / freelancer is about $100. Having worked with video marketers (as one myself) you're looking at a total investment of about $2k/mo for a few months before you get an ROI from organic. However -- if you're willing to do the writing to represent your brand and educate your users then you can save usually 75% of the total costs. SEO is process oriented and outsourceable. There are services that do all the technical work & heavy lifting, then give you the processes to finish the rest of the work with step-by-step instructions. That is for the on-page and for any content marketing for the blog. There are also link building software that I made that makes link building reductive and easy. In short -- you can get links built with maybe an hour of time, with 90% of the work being done writing content for the other website so they can link to you. If you'd like to have a quick chat, you can reach me here.

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SEOSearch Engine Optimization (SEO)SEO StrategyBlog MarketingCorporate BloggingSales ProcessVirtual AssistanceGrowing RevenueRevenue & Profit GrowthGenerating Revenue