
Maria Marsala

Financial advisor business coach


CEO of Elevating Your Business, Financial Advisor Coach, Speaker, Consultant, Former Wall Street Trader, Geek, Marketing Author,

Recent Answers

Business planning

What is the best way of coming up with business name ideas?

Maria Marsala

Financial advisor business coach

By renew. Do you mean renew the domain or license. If domain name, keep it. You can have it forward to the new site. Write a list in Excel. One column = features Second column = benefits Third column - advantages That's how I start my clients out.

Branding & Identity

Is it ok from a brand perspective to have different color schemes for your logo for different purposes?

Maria Marsala

Financial advisor business coach

IMO, people get a "disconnect" when the colors are all different. What's the reason for the different colors?

Collaboration Solutions

What is the best tool or platform that a big company can use to share presentations, etc. We are a company around the world with 28 countries?

Maria Marsala

Financial advisor business coach

Have you tried fuze?

Marketing Strategy

What are the most effective ways to reach a dentist, counselor, chiropractor, massage therapist for marketing?

Maria Marsala

Financial advisor business coach

First, IMO, each firm has a niche and a ideal client. I'd figure out both those things and they're bound to tell you how to best market to them. It's way to difficult to try to market to 4 different niches.

Career Counseling

Can you relate to my personality and would you recommend a career change?

Maria Marsala

Financial advisor business coach

You're in great company if you're an ADHD Introvert :) I can see by what you've written, that you have some insights into both areas. Here's the thing. Success really is an inside job first. I've watched many people get the things in life they "want" only to still be depressed and unhappy. Before changing careers, do some inner work. Maybe start with gaining a greater understanding of ADHD (and the plus's we have because of ADHD) and being an introvert PBS had two series I recommend. ADHD and Loving it and Dr. Amen's ADHD program. There are some excellent books on celebrating being an Introvert. Susan Cain is GREAT! I have her TED talk on my blog just do a search for introvert. NOTE: the fact that you're a good listener is a good thing IF you want to go into your own business. However, from what I read, it sounds like you'd be better off, right now, being part of a team... for company that appreciates you. Getting back to your question... Would I recommend a career change? If you're not happy I would start with inner work first before you find your ideal career and "go for the brass ring". Because if you were to change careers now, you'll be adding stress to your life. Good stress is still stress.

Mastermind Groups

Are there any strategies or technique to make the most of a mastermind group?

Maria Marsala

Financial advisor business coach

Over the years I've started a few mastermind groups (teleclass, Skype, or in person), have helped others start them, and have "taught" webinars about them, too. Weekly groups, that happen at the same day/time seem to be the most helpful. Helps that each week another person is "the leader" -- not really a leader, but keeps the group going forward. What I can offer you (for free) are articles 2, 3, 4 and 5 on this page.


So I have an invention idea but do not really know how to go about

Maria Marsala

Financial advisor business coach

Take a look at the Mom Inventor's site for great ideas, books to read, etc.


How can small consultancies close BIG companies as clients?

Maria Marsala

Financial advisor business coach

Each state, and sometimes city or county has an office like an Economic Development, or Rural Development. One of the things these organizations have are members from large companies. Another thing they have is a list of the largest companies in the area. I would start there by attending a event or two from the EDC and then see if it would benefit you to become a member. Then get involved in the board or on some projects.


How to figure out the product market fit for your new launched product and service?

Maria Marsala

Financial advisor business coach

Sorry, but this question is a bit backwards. You need to have an audience/need for your product or service BEFORE you create it. Having said that, I'd go back to the basics: a) create a niche b) determine an ideal client profile c) design a business plan


What is the best way to recruit high profile people to speak at a conference?

Maria Marsala

Financial advisor business coach

If you're looking for the best, that means you have a budget for hiring them. GREAT! 1) A site I recommend you visit is 2) You can also search for a company local to you (or not) that represent speakers. They'll provide you with the names and information of the best people for your situation. 3) Ask your audience for recommendations 4) Search using LinkedIn 5) Search using!

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Business DevelopmentBusiness planningStrategic PlanningBusiness StrategySocial NetworkingManagementBusiness GrowthFinancial PlannersNiche MarketingIncrease Productivity