
Kelly Fallis

CEO at


CEO of Muskoka Canada Design Build Firm RS Muskoka. Ex Canadian Entrepreneur. Bootstrapping EXPERT. Lean Startup. Ecommerce. B2C. Automation. Outsourcing. Logistics. Shipping. Delivery. Building. Construction. Project Management. Design. Importing/Exporting. Furniture. Decor. Furniture Sourcing. Online Shopping. Interior Design. Interior Decorating. Small Business Tools. Project Management. Real Estate. Wordpress. Woocommerce. Startup Tools. Short Term Consulting. Obsessed with Muskoka.

Recent Answers


What companies are out there that can be used for warehousing and shipping/handling your product?

Kelly Fallis

CEO at

Loaded question - what are you shipping and where from/to?


What are some of the categories that are short on experts offering calls?

Kelly Fallis

CEO at

Given the other discussion about lack of females showing up as experts, perhaps a Ladies Only category might be of interest to some. Throwing it out there #itsachickthing


Why are there so few women at Clarity?

Kelly Fallis

CEO at

That's interesting! I hadn't noticed this trend but I bet Dan could comment on this. I am curious to hear the results :)

Community Management

Do you have recommendations for a good marketplace chat plugin?

Kelly Fallis

CEO at

it totally depends on what your site is built in? Let us know


Tech tool recommendation please: what LOW monthly COST app options have your tried (and hopefully loved) on the PR front?

Kelly Fallis

CEO at

Sorry so should know that :) I didn't mean where to post I actually meant apps like PR Genie, Robin8, HARO etc -- platforms that make reaching out to reporters etc easy....really any place to build lists without having to do manually. Does anything exist that I haven't heard of that makes finding these folks easier

Career Development

What do you recommend I should invest my time and knowledge into at 18, that will impact my future for the better?

Kelly Fallis

CEO at

Learn how to code and do design - its forever relevant . Even a 50 dollar udemy course would do the trick, then do as many internships as you can starting now to figure out what you hate doing -- the faster you figure out what you don't like the faster you'll figure out what you like!

angel investing

I am not sure how much money should we raise. The founders have boot strapped the company. They can go on without salary for one more year.

Kelly Fallis

CEO at

Get out excel and build out a robust model ...the answer is in the numbers.


Does anyone know Terry Matthews of Mitel fame?

Kelly Fallis

CEO at

Did you try adding him on Linked In? Its works insanely well - just include a thoughtful message about why you want to be connected and most will accept


Is guest blogging the best way to grow a startup from scratch?

Kelly Fallis

CEO at

It depends on what your startup does but if content is key to its success its better to start with your own content to get traction and build a following then use guest bloggers to expand your reach

Career Development

What is the best way to get an internship invitation from a London startup?

Kelly Fallis

CEO at

Add the CEO on Linked In and tell them you want to intern for them!

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eCommercebootstrappingProject ManagementConstructionFurnitureLogistics ManagementShippingConstruction ManagementWomen Owned BusinessResidential Homes