
tony munoz

NFT/Crypto Enthusianst 4 years in row.


Since 2019, I have been actively involved in the web3 space. I began as an early marketing and community member of the Bored Ape Yacht Club, and later explored web3 streaming and gaming. I led a scholarship program with a group of 50 participants while concurrently streaming for an audience of 500-1,000 people on YouTube and Twitch. Subsequently, I leveraged my expertise in social media management, alpha calling, and collaboration management to drive the success of various projects and companies in both bull and bear markets. I am excited to connect with like-minded professionals to contribute to the growth and development of the web3 ecosystem.

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How can one get capital, pre-seed, sponsorship, and funding for their business without using personal credit.

tony munoz

NFT/Crypto Enthusianst 4 years in row.

Raising capital and funding for a business, especially in the early stages like pre-seed and seed rounds, can be challenging, but there are several strategies you can consider to secure funding for your dance and production company without relying on personal credit. Here are some options to explore: Angel Investors and Venture Capitalists: Look for angel investors and venture capitalists who are interested in supporting arts and entertainment ventures. While they might require equity in your company, they can provide substantial funding and expertise. Grants and Competitions: Even though many grants require a business to be established for a certain period, there are still grants, competitions, and awards that cater to new and innovative ideas. Look for niche grants or those specific to the arts that might be more open to newer businesses. Crowdfunding: Platforms like Kickstarter, Indiegogo, and GoFundMe can help you raise funds from a large number of people who believe in your project. You can offer rewards, such as exclusive dance performances or merchandise, to incentivize backers. Corporate Sponsorships: Reach out to businesses that align with your company's values and target audience. They might be interested in sponsoring your productions in exchange for exposure and branding opportunities. Small Business Loans: While you mentioned not wanting to use personal credit, some financial institutions might offer business loans based on the company's creditworthiness rather than personal credit. Friends and Family: If possible, consider seeking investment from friends and family who believe in your vision. Make sure to formalize agreements and clearly communicate the terms. Partnerships and Collaborations: Collaborating with other companies, artists, or organizations in the entertainment industry could provide access to additional resources and funding. Creative Financing: Explore creative financing options, such as revenue-sharing agreements, where investors receive a percentage of your company's future revenue in exchange for funding. Networking and Pitching Events: Attend networking events, industry conferences, and pitching competitions where you can connect with potential investors and partners. Building a Strong Business Plan: Develop a detailed business plan that outlines your company's vision, goals, revenue projections, and how you plan to utilize the funding. A strong plan can attract investors and lenders. Remember, securing funding often requires persistence, a clear vision, and effective communication. Be prepared to showcase the uniqueness of your liturgical touring dance company and the potential impact it can have on the arts and culture landscape. It might also be helpful to seek advice from mentors or advisors who have experience in fundraising for creative ventures.

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