
Lila Selim

Director of SMMA Sarie Social


Hello there! I'm Lila Selim, the founder of Sarie Social, where we believe in transforming businesses through effective business management and strategic social media management.

👩‍💼 Business Management:
With a background in business management, I bring a wealth of experience in streamlining operations, enhancing efficiency, and driving sustainable growth. From startups to established enterprises, I've successfully helped businesses navigate challenges and seize opportunities.

📱 Social Media Management:
In the digital age, social media is the heartbeat of brand communication. As a seasoned social media management expert, I've assisted numerous businesses in creating a compelling online presence. From content strategy to community engagement, I'm passionate about crafting social media narratives that resonate and drive results.

💼 Additional Skills:
Beyond business and social media management, I bring a diverse skill set to the table. Whether it's project management, virtual assistance, or content creation, I'm equipped to handle multifaceted challenges. My goal is to empower businesses to thrive in the dynamic digital landscape.

🌐 Why Connect with Me on
When you connect with me, you're not just getting advice; you're gaining a partner in your business journey. Whether you're seeking guidance on business strategy, social media optimization, or a blend of both, I'm here to provide actionable insights tailored to your unique needs.

🔗 Let's Connect:
Ready to take your business to the next level? Let's connect on, where we can discuss your goals, address challenges, and map out a roadmap for success. I look forward to collaborating with you!

Recent Answers

Social Media Marketing

How does my startup hire an affordable marketing expert?

Lila Selim

Director of SMMA Sarie Social

I understand the importance of ensuring a successful launch for your non-profit niche social networking company, and I appreciate your commitment to finding an affordable marketing expert. Here are some strategies to help you hire the right person within your budget: Tap into Networks: Leverage networks within the non-profit sector to find individuals who have gone through the marketing process and how they did this. Attend industry events, conferences, or connect with non-profit communities to identify potential advisees. Local University Partnerships: Collaborate with local universities or colleges with marketing programs. Explore internship programs or connect with professors who may recommend capable students. Utilise Online Job Platforms with Screening: Consider reputable job platforms like LinkedIn, Indeed, or Glass-door. Utilise their screening processes to filter candidates based on experience and expertise. Engage with Marketing Communities: Join online marketing communities and forums. Seek recommendations from professionals who are passionate about contributing to meaningful causes. I am part of a few groups on Facebook who are full of people who can provide free answers and advice. Equally, co-founder, and other similar sites are very good for perhaps providing equity in exchange for a co-found who has a skillset in the area you are lacking in and has the same missions/values as your company. Reach Out to Marketing Agencies: Connect with marketing agencies that may offer discounted or pro bono services for non-profits. Express your mission and inquire about potential collaborations. Non-Profit Talent Matching Platforms: Explore platforms specifically designed to connect non-profits with skilled volunteers. Websites like Catchafire or Taproot Foundation can be valuable resources. Clearly Define Roles and Expectations: Clearly outline the responsibilities and expectations for the marketing expert. This ensures alignment and helps the candidate understand the impact they can make. Offer Flexible Work Arrangements: Consider part-time or project-based arrangements to accommodate your budget. Many experienced professionals may be open to contributing on a flexible schedule. Leverage Personal and Professional Networks: Ask for recommendations from your personal and professional networks. Referrals often lead to finding trustworthy and competent individuals. Interview and Assess Skills: Conduct thorough interviews to assess the candidate's skills and understanding of your niche. Request a portfolio or examples of past work to gauge their experience. While cost is a crucial consideration, finding someone who resonates with your mission is equally vital. Emphasise your organisation's impact, and you may attract individuals who are genuinely passionate about contributing. I hope these strategies guide you in finding a suitable marketing expert for your startup. If you need further assistance or have specific criteria in mind, feel free to reach out.

Business Development

How to get Clint’s

Lila Selim

Director of SMMA Sarie Social

Attracting clients and building partnerships involves a strategic approach. Here are some tips to pull in people with your ideas and enhance your business network: Clear Value Proposition: Clearly articulate what sets your business or ideas apart. Highlight the benefits and value clients will gain from choosing your services or partnering with you. Build an Online Presence: Establish a professional and engaging online presence. Utilize social media platforms, create a business website, and showcase your expertise through blogs or articles. Networking: Attend industry events, conferences, and meetups. Join online forums and groups related to your industry to connect with potential clients and partners. Word of Mouth: Encourage satisfied clients to share their positive experiences. Offer referral incentives to clients or business partners who bring in new clients. Create Compelling Content: Develop high-quality content that showcases your expertise. Share educational content, case studies, or success stories to attract and engage your target audience. Partnership Collaborations: Identify potential partners whose services complement yours. Propose collaborations that benefit both parties, fostering a win-win relationship. Offer Free Workshops or Consultations: Provide value upfront by offering free workshops or consultations. Demonstrate your expertise and build trust with potential clients. Utilize Digital Marketing: Invest in targeted digital marketing campaigns. Use social media advertising and content marketing to reach a broader audience. Engage with Your Community: Get involved in local community events. Sponsor or participate in activities that align with your business values. Leverage Testimonials: Showcase positive testimonials and client success stories. Build credibility and trust among potential clients. Be Authentic and Transparent: Be genuine in your interactions. Transparency builds trust, which is crucial for client relationships. Offer Exceptional Customer Service: Prioritize excellent customer service. Positive experiences lead to satisfied clients who may become repeat customers and advocates for your business. Remember, building a client base and expanding your network takes time. Consistency, authenticity, and continuous improvement are key elements in attracting clients and fostering lasting relationships.


Seeking Advice on Expansion

Lila Selim

Director of SMMA Sarie Social

Navigating the expansion of your skincare and hair care businesses to the U.S. involves careful considerations. Here are insights to address your concerns: Q1: Launching Under Same Website and Social Media Pros: Cost Efficiency: Managing a single website and social media account can be cost-effective. Cross-Promotion: Leverage existing customer base for cross-promotion. Cons: Brand Confusion: Consumers might find it confusing to see both skincare and hair care under one brand. Target Audience: Tailoring marketing messages becomes challenging when catering to two distinct audiences. Recommendation: If maintaining the same website and social media account, clearly segment content. Design your website to have distinct sections for skincare and hair care. Use social media stories or highlights for clear product differentiation. Q2: Positioning in the U.S. Market Pros: Test Simultaneously: Gauge consumer response to both skincare and hair care products. Diverse Audience: Attract a broader audience interested in both categories. Cons: Resource Allocation: Requires substantial logistics, ad spend, and website management for both brands. Market Feedback: Simultaneous launch might make it challenging to identify which category resonates better. Recommendation: Launch both categories but start with a soft launch. Monitor analytics to understand consumer preferences. Gradually refine your strategy based on market response. Q3: Considerations for Decision-Making Market Research: Understand the U.S. market demand for skincare and hair care. Identify competitors and consumer preferences. Brand Identity: If maintaining a single brand, ensure clear messaging that communicates diversity in product offerings. Logistics: Evaluate the impact on logistics, shipping costs, and inventory management for dual product lines. Digital Marketing: Plan targeted digital marketing strategies for each category to avoid consumer confusion. Adaptability: Stay adaptable and be prepared to pivot your strategy based on real-time market feedback. Final Thoughts: Consider a phased approach based on initial market responses. Leverage customer feedback to optimise your strategy over time. Seek legal advice on trademark challenges and explore creative solutions to maintain brand integrity.

Social Media Marketing

How do you build social media presence up before a product launch?

Lila Selim

Director of SMMA Sarie Social

Building a social media presence before a product launch involves strategic planning and engaging content. Here are steps to help: Define Goals: Identify specific goals for your social media presence (e.g., brand awareness, audience engagement, anticipation). Target Audience: Know your target audience and create content tailored to their interests and preferences. Content Calendar: Develop a content calendar with regular posts, including teasers, behind-the-scenes looks, and relevant industry content. Engaging Content: Use a mix of visuals, videos, infographics, and interactive content to keep your audience engaged. Teasers and Sneak Peeks: Share teasers and sneak peeks to generate curiosity and anticipation. Highlight unique features or benefits. User-Generated Content (UGC): Encourage UGC by involving your audience in the process. Run contests or ask for opinions to build a sense of community. Countdowns: Create countdown posts or stories to create a sense of urgency and excitement leading up to the launch date. Build Anticipation: Share the story behind your product, its development journey, and the problems it solves to build anticipation. Social Media Ads: Utilize targeted social media ads to reach a wider audience and create awareness. Collaborate and Partner: Collaborate with influencers or relevant brands to extend your reach and credibility. Exclusive Previews: Offer exclusive previews or early access to your social media followers as a reward for their loyalty. Hashtags: Create a branded hashtag for your product launch and encourage your audience to use it. This enhances visibility and engagement. Engage with Audience: Respond to comments, messages, and feedback promptly. Build a relationship with your audience. Leverage Multiple Platforms: Utilize various social media platforms to reach a diverse audience. Tailor content for each platform. Analytics and Adaptation: Use analytics to track engagement and adapt your strategy based on what works best. By following these steps, you can gradually build anticipation, engage your audience, and create a buzz around your product launch on social media. If you would like further guidance feel free to hop on a call!

Social Media

When posting short-form videos to social media, is it wise to add the subtitles in-app using features native to each platform or add before upload?

Lila Selim

Director of SMMA Sarie Social

The decision to add subtitles in-app or before upload depends on your goals and preferences. Here are considerations for both approaches: Adding Subtitles In-App: Platform-Specific Features: Many platforms offer built-in tools for adding subtitles. This ensures compatibility and may provide additional engagement features. Aesthetics and Customisation: In-app tools allow you to customise the appearance of subtitles according to each platform's style and user expectations. Efficiency: Adding subtitles in-app can be quicker, especially if you're tailoring content for different platforms simultaneously. Adding Subtitles Before Upload: Consistency: Pre-adding subtitles ensures consistency across all platforms, maintaining a unified brand image. Editing Control: External video editing tools provide more control over the appearance, timing, and style of subtitles, allowing for precise adjustments. Time Efficiency: For large batches of content, pre-adding subtitles might be more time-efficient than doing it individually on each platform. Considerations: Automation Tools: Explore third-party tools that can automate the subtitle process, enabling you to add subtitles before upload while still saving time. Platform-Specific Preferences: Some audiences prefer native subtitles, while others might appreciate a consistent, branded look. Consider your target audience's expectations. Trial and Error: Experiment with both methods to identify what works best for your content, audience, and efficiency needs. Ultimately, the choice depends on your workflow, the level of customisation you require, and your audience's preferences.

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Business DevelopmentDigital MarketingSocial Media MarketingSocial Media StrategySmall BusinessBusiness planningBusiness StrategyNew Business DevelopmentDigital Marketing StrategyBusiness Coaching