
Krunal Khimani

Good at problem solving about people and products.


I am a businessman in retail sector, also have good understanding of people's behavior as customer and sub-ordinates/staff.

Recent Answers


How do I know when my S-Corp has to pay taxes, and what do I need to fill out?

Krunal Khimani

Good at problem solving about people and products.

As per my knowledge I can that in almost all countries of world, the CAs and Taxation Authority will ask you only one thing that from where you get the amount for expanses as you do not have any sales ? You just have to clarify that in a very proper way and for that you take the help of your accountant or revenue lawyer. They can guide you well as per your countries laws. And still if you want any help then I am there to help you.

Job search

What is the best job to get to learn to become an entrepreneur? Working at a VC as an analyst? Work in Sales? Work in Marketing? Consulting?

Krunal Khimani

Good at problem solving about people and products.

first get the things clear that in which field you want start your business and journey of becoming entrepreneur. then you will find it yourself, where you have to go ? still you are in any confusion then please call me I will help you.


Should I quit a special program that I enrolled in for school? (Looking for honest opinions not ai generated ones please)

Krunal Khimani

Good at problem solving about people and products.

talk to your teacher about issue of understanding the language and say which part of the language is not getting you perfectly. this will help you on staying in same study program and your will know whare she has to clear the things to make you more understandable in the language. if you want more clarity then please call me, I will be happy to help you.

Customer Service

Is it OK to end services or support when a customer did not pay the cost of services/support or did not renewal contract in software industry?

Krunal Khimani

Good at problem solving about people and products.

According to me, you should once send him a mail showing that if he will not renew the service and support contract, then it will cost him higher than regular rates or get delay in receiving service. along with it may happen that he will not get any kind of help from side. And same thing you should talk on phone call keep the copy of recording of conversation. It will help when clint will blame you.

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Customer ServiceCustomer SupportHuman Resources