
VoiceTechGuy "Gold"

Expert on Alexa Skills/Google Actions/Voiceflow


Conjure clear paths and solutions from idea to implementation and discovery for Alexa Skill, Google Assistant, Voiceflow and Beyond. Active on Twitch Alexa channels and StackOverFlow/Reddit on both Amazon Alexa and Google. Live Streamer on Twitch and Youtube on Alexa, VoiceFlow "No Code" and Google Actions. Amazon AWS and Google Cloud expert for backend fulfilment. Implemented commercial transactions such as In skill Purchasing (ISP), Digital Goods and Amazon Pay. Consultation Experience for the Big "Fours" on technology projects.

Recent Answers

Job search

how to make google assistant ask a question 12 Replies I am trying to figure out how to make the Google Assistant ask me a question when externally

VoiceTechGuy "Gold"

Expert on Alexa Skills/Google Actions/Voiceflow

I am not sure what you are trying to ask but if you are asking how to get your google assistant to ask questions (and act on the replies perhaps?). You do so by building Google Actions. Google Actions are just like mobile apps but is made available in Google Assistant when a user ask for a particular action via an Invocation such as Ok Google, Talk to Keep Count. The Google Action called Keep Count would then take over. There in the action you can program it so that the google assistant interact with the user via a series of question and replies. You can find out how to do Google Action by visiting the Google Assistant developer website at Happy to jump on a call if you need more specific directions. I am an expert in the field of Voice Technology. You can also learn from live streams on twitch at Hope that helps.

System Architecture

I need to build a system architecture for IoT system based on LoRWAN & ML .Which criteria of Cloud platform for best choice ( AWS, GCP)?

VoiceTechGuy "Gold"

Expert on Alexa Skills/Google Actions/Voiceflow

I would go for AWS personally as they have a lot of resource and support including practical documentation and example for LorWAN & ML. You can start by looking at this quite comprehensive blog I would also recommend you to check the channel and and search for iot streams where you can ask live questions if you get stuck. These resource has been useful for me many times in the past (especially for Amazon Alexa, AVS IoT implementation) Hope that helps and good luck.

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