
Janette Yuill

CEO,Entrepreneur, manager, Insurance Agent


Business Start up expert,Office efficiency analyst, Insurance consultant and Entrepreneur.

Recent Answers

Mobile applications

Currently in the process of trying to validate a social networking app for college students. Am I headed in the right direction to keep costs low?

Janette Yuill

CEO,Entrepreneur, manager, Insurance Agent

Your on a good track. One Thing I would highly suggest is setting up some organized goals not your business plan but something for you and who ever you are working with. I would be happy to talk to you and help you get things started so you get out to the colleges on an organized and efficient path.

Real Estate

Any ideas on creating a social referral program for new listings available for a real estate company? How to structure + incentive ideas?

Janette Yuill

CEO,Entrepreneur, manager, Insurance Agent

If Im understanding your idea correctly you want to provide potential customers who for some reason did not qualify for a home an incentive to direct people to you. IF this is the case you have a few options but each you need to be careful with So ill give you the pros and cons of each Percent of commission. .... you could be asking for more work as far as tracking sales and taxes if it is applicable. If you use a contest most customers dont care to go that route because they feel there is no chance of winning. My best suggestion is to have a set amount per sale and do giftcards. One, you can track your giftcards. You then know how much is going out and a better tracking method can be established as to how well this referral method worked compared to leads and sales. Hope this helps and I wish you luck in you business.


Starting a cleaning business. Is bonding and insuring different?

Janette Yuill

CEO,Entrepreneur, manager, Insurance Agent

Yes they are. Insurance covers the car,truck,or van you are using for business.A bond covers your customers if you or an employee damage his or her belongings. Many times an insurance company in your area will have a policy that will fit your needs and these two types of policies.

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Web DesignInsuranceInternet EntrepreneurOrganizational DesignOffice ManagementVisual Merchandising