
Phylecia Jones

Land Speaking Gigs to Market Brand & Make Money


Lead Researcher & Founder, iFind You Close®
Helping coaches, consultants, and content creators find their perfect stage.

Phylecia Jones is a two-time TEDx speaker, former national TV financial contributor for Daily Blast Live, women in STEM advocate, co-host of the Humans Exhaust Me podcast, and Founder of iFind You Close® helping hundreds research and leverage public speaking to market their business… or travel the world.

Phylecia holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science, a Master’s Degree in Systems Engineering, and is a former scientist for the US Navy. She has had the honor of presenting on such platforms as NPR’s TED Radio Hour, Cigna, Hilton, DocuSign, iThemes, and a host of organizations that trust her ability to educate, inspire and transform.

When Phylecia is not deep into researching the internet, she shares about her eclectic list of ever-growing life experiences including baton twirling, performing with a circus, RVing across the USA, being a professional cheerleader, and being a new catamaran owner.

Recent Answers

Training & Development

What are the best resources to get up to speed with the admin stuff of the business, such as budgeting, staffing and other general admin stuff

Phylecia Jones

Land Speaking Gigs to Market Brand & Make Money

When it comes to budgeting inside of your business, it is important you talk to someone who knows what they are doing. I would recommend hiring someone who is skilled in budgeting such as an outsource CFO... or a shameless plug for myself! Regardless, having a great financial team is important, because if you run out of money, then you will have other issues. If you can afford a CFO, at least talk to them to get your budget in place and it will give you time to work on the business. Having a very skilled Bookkeeper is important to track your financial records and get a great CPA. Make sure they are great communicators, because many will not wave red flags if your business is in financial danger. Budgeting is my field of expertise and I have many resources and quick tips that can get you up to speed with managing your money. Feel free to reach out! Wish you much success in your business!


What are the issues/challenges that come up in one on one mentoring process, issues which can be rectified for a smooth process?

Phylecia Jones

Land Speaking Gigs to Market Brand & Make Money

Not sure if this a mentoring program for a company or if you are starting a business as a coach/mentor for hire. In my experience, you have to ask GREAT questions and then listen, listen, listen. When working 1-on-1, we (the coach), typically have an agenda or program we want to follow, but one size never fits all. #1 Come up with some leading and probing questions that will get your mentee to talk. No single answer questions allowed. #2 Learn to be a good listener and pick up on clues on what they are saying to guide you to the next topic of discussion. #3 Repeat back what you heard them say and ask "is this what you are saying?" # If you are a coach, give them assurance that you can help them or be honest and say that you cannot. When I started coaching, I learned that being a good listener is a skill, and it is what will make a mentoring program go smoothly. Remember, it is not about you, it is all about them! If you need more guidance or some good questions to ask your mentees, please feel free to call!

Early-stage Startups

Should I charge for a pilot project?

Phylecia Jones

Land Speaking Gigs to Market Brand & Make Money

Yes! When I started my company, I offered services for free, and after putting in a lot of work, the test client did not value my time during the process. Even though this is a pilot, you may still incur costs to produce and time is a valuable resource that you will never get back. Getting in the habit of getting paid helps you build confidence and evaluate what you can charge in the future. Also, when the client pays, they will have "skin in the game" and will be more active during the process. If you ever need help evaluating your sources of revenue vs cost of goods or determining your break even number, please feel free to schedule a call! I wish you the best in your business!

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Areas of Expertise

Membership DevelopmentPublic SpeakingSpeakingKeynote SpeakingSmall Business ConsultingConference SpeakingSpeaking EngagementsMotivational SpeakingWomen Owned Business