
Ashley Wright

Facebook Ad Specialist


#1 Facebook Consultant. Millions spent on Advertising on
Facebook delivering results for clients in various niches.. Get your Facebook/Instagram ad questions answered.

Recent Answers

Facebook Marketing

How do I post a Facebook ad?

Ashley Wright

Facebook Ad Specialist

You can do this via both Facebook Ad manager and power editor. A great resource - I may be bias :-) you can find here a full tutorial -

Facebook Marketing

How can I gain real world experience doing Facebook Advertising & Marketing as a beginner with no clients yet?

Ashley Wright

Facebook Ad Specialist

The great thing is there are a lot of people and businesses looking for people who can deliver results with Facebook Ads. What I would suggest like you are doing is learn as much as possible but then there comes a point where you need to start taking ACTION! I would start with people who you know and within your community and just be honest with them and say "I have started Facebook Ads and am looking for guinea pigs to get results for" wave all fees and get them to just pay for the ads (would suggest around $100/£100 to begin) Get them some results and start to build from there. As then you can begin to charge them and even if not if you have done good work you can then get testimonials and grow from there.

Online Advertising

What are low cost advertising platforms/channels to attract qualified consumers for a retail business to a landing page to quickly validate an idea?

Ashley Wright

Facebook Ad Specialist

I would suggest looking at Facebook Ads as you can determine within a few days if the idea is right or not. As long as you are targeting the right audiences which you think are suitable you could be up and running in no time!

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Online MarketingMarketing StrategyFacebook AdvertisingFacebook MarketingEmail StrategyFacebook Ads