
Jonathan Updyke

Everything is sales!


Started in sales and business ownership with natural talent in elementary school making 50-100$ a week at only 8 years old, worked in many fields excelling in all of them from, including but not limited to maintenance, management, food industry, entertainment, transportation, logistics, advertising, sales, marketing, and just about anything else doing with both professional and personal lives
Graduate of Lyons jr-sr high with regents diploma is science, math and art majors
self employed from 1989-current (several different projects)
1996-1998 restaurant industry
1998-1999 Orioles baseball organisation
2000-2002 misc sales (Kmart, Spencer gifts, etc filling collage leaves)
1999-2001 collage majoring me/ee with internships at TRW
2001-2002 project manager for Freund box/carton
2002-2004 Integrity tool Machinist
2004-2014 Self employed with 5 businesses
2014- current All my sons moving specialist

Recent Answers


In your opinion, what played the biggest role in the success of your business?

Jonathan Updyke

Everything is sales!

Very very simple answer for me, brand quality, diligent effort and word of mouth through the community i serviced. summed up in what I call the wow factor. If you want to discuss more feel free to give me a call.

Organizational Development

How do big organizations bring a sense of "belonging" to their employees?

Jonathan Updyke

Everything is sales!

With a company like Starbucks sure lots of them work for minimum wage, most jobs like Starbucks supplement low pay with store vs store competitions, store self chosen nicknames, and lots of discounts from partner organizations with huge discounts. Some other larger organizations will do monthly reviews with some sort of results based bonuses etc. If you are looking for more information feel free to give me a call.

Real Estate Investment

With the euro becoming weaker, is it the right time to buy a property in Europe?

Jonathan Updyke

Everything is sales!

With the over production of the us dollar and the euro becoming weaker the real question is will the European nations ever settle on a unified monitory system (personally i doubt it will ever happen) and how long are you willing to wait for the market to go back up. Also me personally I would stick to your strengths, if you are a house flipper stick with that, if you are an investor and rent till the market is ready that would be my suggestion as the safest bet for your money. Best investment places are resort and tourist locations or just outside of those locations where people want to be but wont want to pay prime rates, also lower taxes in those locations so more profit for you. If you are looking for more information on prediction of human tendencies feel free to give me a call.

Legal Advice

What type of agreement do I need to make sure I own my product's code and have full rights to amend and sell the business (incl. the code) later?

Jonathan Updyke

Everything is sales!

Most international contracts simply require the contract to be legally valid under the jurisdiction of the 2 parties residing countries. This makes things difficult because everything becomes interdependent, and some countries are near impossible to enforce even iron clad contracts. More than likely you will need a lawyer in each country you plan to do business trained in international law. This is about the extent of what I know about international law but you are welcome to contact me as I can usually dig up more information as needed

Display Advertising

What types of photographs generate the most emotion in the viewer? We have a new photography service for brides and need input.

Jonathan Updyke

Everything is sales!

At the end of any day a picture is just a picture and the emotional conveyance is somewhat meaningless unless you know those involved. Instead of wracking your brain on the perfect picture you should instead work on the time honored tradition of psychological presentation. Started off by the add avoiding anything with red letters, mentally telling the consumer to stop as it is ingrained into our society. Focus on mainly greens, the bolder and brighter the better this encourages the customer to move forward to the next step and contact you. What happens from there depends on your sales team. If you need help further choosing a sales team or more info on human behavior or advertising feel free to reach out to me with a call.

Mobile applications

My IOS game app is lost in the sea of apps. How can I grab more attention and spike sales?

Jonathan Updyke

Everything is sales!

After being a gamer for years always searching for the next big or even the next good thing I have found the best way to be discovered (if you have a good/wanted product) is an in game advertising on a pay per view design. Many successful games, personally defined as a game with over a million downloads (usually free downloads) use in game advertisements to supplement their game being free. Considering the cost of the in game currency you are awarded for viewing the adds are about 300 views for 5$ it can get your game/app to a lot of people while incurring minimal costs to overhead. You can also set maximum views per day and so forth if you are trying to adhere to an advertising budget. Feel free to call me for more details on this method.

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